Chapter 17; to not understand the use of a fridge

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Lily's POV

Tutoring James Potter? That was something I'd never, ever imagined. I would have thought it'd been horrible. Stupid, dumb. He would make rude comments and have idiotic ideas about the Muggle world.

That is what I had expected.

It was actually way worse.

We sat down for a review of his study material, and it didn't seem too difficult. The chapter was called "in and around the house" and, as it's title explained, was about different ways muggles adapted to doing housework without magic.

I took an empty notebook from my bag and a feather. "Won't you use your Muggle invention?" James asked. I shook my head.

"We are at Hogwarts. Open your book." He did as I asked.

We went over the first paragraph, which explained a shitload of devices used for cooking and use around the kitchen. Each had a picture and a description. I thought it was very clear. I studied the book and it was quite accurate. They didn't have to study how everything worked exactly, just what the use was of most the devices.

The first point where we got stuck was a fridge. The description read, a machine used for keeping certain foods and drinks cold. It is used to keep these consumption products unspoiled for a longer period of time. It has a heat pump which pumps the warmth to outside the fridge.

I found it quite easy to understand. I made him take some notes, but as I read the description out loud, I noticed him doodling in his own fresh notebook. I plucked the feather out his hand and blew on the ink in order for it to dry, then turned the page. "Put the description in your own words, you'll understand it easier when you're revising that way."

James read over the material a second time and then looked at me. "I don't understand."

After taking a deep breath, I replied, "Well, what don't you understand about it?"

He answered, "I don't understand, why do you need such a.. stupid machine for that."

I had to keep myself together, "For the food to stay good. Because when people grocery shop—"

"Grocery what now?"

"Shop for groceries. For food." I hadn't grown up in a magic household, but didn't they do such things aswell?

The second thing James didn't understand, was a light switch. And then a stove was too difficult, followed by mixer, a toaster and an orange press. At the end, I was very frustrated.

When he couldn't comprehend how a dishwasher worked, I put down my feather and said, "Let's call it quits. I think we've worked enough for today, don't you?" He seemed a little surprised and disappointed at the same time.

We packed up and when I said goodbye to him, he seemed to caught up in his head to respond.

Regulus found me in the hallway. I slumped towards him. "Ah, having a rough time?" He asked. I told him yes, I did, and that I wished I'd never said yes to Professor McGonagall. He stood there, laughing as I complained.

Then we walked to the common room, side by side. And I was glad to have him as a friend.

I was just helping Regulus with a spell, when I wondered what Remus was up to. I asked Regulus if he'd seen him, but he shook his head. We continued studying and the common room kept growing darker.

"We haven't had dinner." I noticed. Regulus looked up at me and put down his feather.

"Oh. It isn't that big of a deal, is it?"

I said it wasn't.

The following morning when I headed to the great hall for breakfast, I couldn't find Regulus either. Mary and Marlene, whom I hadn't spoken to in a couple days, waved me over. After three years of Hogwarts, I still didn't know wether it was allowed to sit at each other's tables. And, since I didn't see anybody else do it, I hesitated.

Mary took ahold of my wrist and pulled me onto the bench. "Did you hear?" She whispered. She and Marlene looked at each other and giggled.

I smiled crookedly and asked, "No? What's up?" Marlene looked away and shoved scrambled eggs onto her plate, whilst Mary devoted all her attention to me. I'd forgotten what it was like to hang out with them and chitchat over the dumbest things, and enjoy it.

I repositioned myself and leaned my chin on my hands. "Tell me everything."

Mary ranted on about how she'd been feeling so many things whenever she went around Sirius. And how she thought he felt it too. I wasn't very interested in those boys, but I liked Mary enough to hear her out.

"No way!" I exclaimed.

As the night finally comes, I crawl into bed and pull the sheets up to my chin and watched the ceiling. I then smiled.

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