Chapter 16; Winter approaches

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Lily's POV

Over the course of the year, Regulus started hanging out less with his other -if I may, toxic- friends, more with us. Marlene and Mary started to become more interested in boys as the weather grew colder. Hence why they started spending more time with the students in their own house (Gryffindor).

I was focused solely on my studies, and felt Remus was too. We motivated each other like it was the most natural thing ever. More of our studying started to be in the common room aswell, as only then, would Regulus join us.

Regulus was a clever boy. He had a very open view of the world. Not only clever, he was also smart. He understood spells and potions quickly and could differentiate what different parts of spells or ingredients of potions did on their own. This way, he was very advanced in -almost- all his classes and he sometimes even perfected spells.

Remus, on the other hand, was smart in his own way. He was more self- involved, understood what he wanted better than what others did. He wasn't the best at potions, or transfiguration -although I suspected he could be, weren't he as scared as he sometimes was- but his memory was admirable. Hence why he was top of class in History of Magic in our year.

It made me feel slightly insecure from time to time, being around people that are more intelligent than me, but they didn't make me feel like that at all.

Spending more time in the common room, meant seeing James, Peter and Sirius less. Remus and I.. let's say we didn't particularly miss them, at any rate.

I happened to know James and Sirius had chosen Muggle Studies last year. Regulus had told me that caused quite the hassle in the Black house last summer.

Remus had chosen for Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. I would join him for Runes and Arithmancy, but had chosen divination rather than CoMC.

I loved Runes and Arithmancy so far, but had to sit alone for divination, as Mary and Marlene sat together.

"OK, see you later!" I ran off to the divination tower, leaving Remus for an hour of relaxing. Or in his case, probably catching up as if had just been a full moon. I was climbing the rickety ladder, clamping onto the sides of the trapdoor as soon as I reached it. I figured I was late, so I quickly climbed into the classroom -that sounds weird if you can't picture it- and quietly closed the door.

I shuffled towards the table I usually sit at. The sweet cloud- like smell hit my face. I was shocked and stood still for a second when I saw who was at my table.

"Miss Evans, if you are late, please sit down as quietly and quick as possible," I heard the professor say. I excused myself and after glancing around the room, declared the only open table my own, accompanying James Potter.

"Why aren't you sitting with Pettigrew and Black?" I hissed, as I hastily got out my books. "I don't have to be glued to their butts all the time, do I?" He answered. His smile looked very genuine and he continued taking notes.

I got through the class, although afterwards it became one big blur. I was yet copying my notes from James, after asking, of course, when the class ended. James didn't shift, but he was looking at me, clearly wanting to take his notes and leave.

I scribbled down the last words and started packing my books. In silence, we walked towards the trapdoor to leave. When we got down, he sped up and stayed walking next to me.

"Uhm, Evans?"

I reluctantly answered, "Yes?"  

"So I was wondering, you see, I've chosen Muggle Studies as one of my elective subjects—"

"Yes I know."

"— and was wondering if you'd offer to help me."

I chuckled. We'd almost reached the corridor where we would be parting. "What do you need help with?"

He explained he'd taken it because 1. Sirius had taken it and 2. Because he thought it'd be easy. The last didn't particularly work out in his favour. I asked him why he didn't ask someone from his class, hell, why he didn't ask Mary.

"Professor suggested I'd ask you. Believe me, you would have been my last choice out there. Let me know."

He sped up and I went down the stone stairs towards the Slytherin common room, where I knew Remus would be waiting for me.

I very desperately wanted to tell him, but decided against it. I wanted to overthink it at first. I took a seat on the opposite of him and took out my schoolwork.

The following day, I headed to Professor McGonagall's office. When I knocked, the door immediately opened. She seemed a bit annoyed someone was at her door, but invited me in anyway.

"What is it?" She asked me. I smiled and told her, "Professor, I don't understand. James wanted me to help him with his Muggle Studies. It's just, I don't take those classes."

Professor McGonagall walked over to her teapot and tapped it with her wand. Then she got out two cups and some sugar.

"Ah, yes, but you are a muggleborn, aren't you?" She didn't wait for me to answer. She proceeded to pour the tea on our cups. "Miss Evans, dear, James is a very bright student, with perhaps a little bit of a closed mind. Which might be the cause of the lack of his usual brilliance for Muggle studies."

I told her I didn't understand what she meant, and how I thought it didn't have anything to do with me.

"I figured, since you are such an intelligent student, your grades are always above the others and I think you and James would make very good.." she thought about her word choice for a bit, "acquaintances."

I thanked he deeply for the tea and stood up to leave her office. "Of course, you aren't obliged to do anything. But as James' head of house, your help would be very well appreciated."

A smile slipped past my lips and I blushed. Tingles spread across my body. I loved Professor McGonagall. She was very nice.

And I swear I saw her grin when I left her office..

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