Chapter 6; Exams

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Lily's POV

Winter started to fall and spring started to show herself. The full moon, and Remus' little problem had only occurred twice now, since I figured it out. We'd decided to tell Madam Pomfrey and she'd told us she expected me to figure it out one day or another.

That made me feel good. "Academic validation," Remus shrugged it off as. The exams weren't very far away now either. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but really! I'd start to study beforehand already. Only had I spend the Christmas holiday at Hogwarts now, but I planned on staying the holiday in May as well.

Sev and I were walking past the hourglasses that counted the house points. Slytherin was on top, as usual. That wasn't a surprise for anybody. I mean the literal traits of Slytherin are determined, ambitious and achievement- orientated. Among others, of course.

In second was Hufflepuff and third Ravenclaw. I turned to Sev. "You know, who in the world had the idea to take all the ADHD kids with a shit impulse control and dump them together?"

Sev chuckled and so did I. "Oh yeah and all the insufferable pedants and daydreamers." I thought about that and answered, "At least they're in third place, and only 15 points under Hufflepuff." Sev agreed.

I was sitting in transfiguration right after another full moon. Remus was sitting wearily next to me, and James, Peter and Sirius had taken their seats behind us.

This morning, I had been waiting on Remus in the hospital wing. I'd begged him to come and have some breakfast, but he didn't have the energy to get out of bed until breakfast was over. So I'd brought him a little piece of chocolate. "My favorite," I'd said.

Now I was trying to get him to eat some toast. "Something, Remus, something!" He refused.
"Ugh," I grunted, "why are you so stubborn!" McGonagall shot me a look and I sat up straight. I slightly moved my desk towards Remus'.

Leaning, I put some food in his hand and closed it. He tried to give it back, but I acted as if I didn't notice him and was very interested in Professor McGonagall's lesson. "Eat up, then, skinny boy," James grinned, and he sat back in his place.

I stood up, turned around and whispered, "You say that one more time, Potter, and I'll show you how we muggleborns do it." He seemed impressed, in a good way. I quickly turned back around and sat back into my place.

McGonagall turned around from the chalkboard and saw me move. "Evans, I'd appreciate if you would actively participate in my class."

"Yes, Professor," I said quietly. Peter and Sirius laughed at me. I silently got my wand out and so did Sirius. While still looking forward, to McGonagall, I whispered "Protego". As I did so, very silently, an invisible shield went around me and Remus.

I may not be the most innocent girl on this planet, but I'm certainly not stupid. I crammed my wand back in my bag the moment Professor McGonagall turned around and at that exact moment aswell, Sirius fired a jinx. It didn't hit us, due to my enchantments, but it was clearly a jinx.

"MR. BLACK!" McGonagall shrieked. "How dare you use jinxes on your fellow students! And in my class as well!" She scoffed and added, "Detention. Three weeks."

Sirius grunted and as Professor McGonagall walked to her desk to write it down, I noticed Remus' food was gone and he raised the protective charm. Neither Sirius, nor James, or Peter dared to do anything at all anymore. Or me.

The following weeks went rather quickly, as almost all the boys had detention. Though, so had Remus. I sighed and sat down in the common room. Not knowing what to do, I went up to Sev's dorm and found him scribbling something on a piece of paper.

When I opened the door, he quickly dumped his feather in the inktpot, spilling some in the process, and crumbled the paper, ink still wet, into his bag.

"Eh- Sev?" I asked.

"Oh. It's just you." He stated bluntly. I nodded. I stood in the dooropening for a few moments. "Why aren't you ever down in the common room?" I asked. He shrugged. "Too loud." "OK."

I walked over to Remus' bedside and looked through a few books he had. "What're you looking for?" Severus almost seemed to demand to know. "I'm sure I have your answer!"

"Just something fun to read, thanks." I took a book from the enormous pile and flicked through the pages. It was an astronomy book. Not his best subject, though I liked it. I took it downstairs.

One morning, after a full moon, I went down to the hospital wing. "Madam Pomfrey?" I asked. "Is -er- Remus here?" She peeked her head around the door and tried to shoo me away. "Please, Professor!" I begged.

She told me he'd had a rough night. I wondered what that meant. Did it mean his transformation had hurt more than usual?

As I slowly took off, back to the dungeons, I started thinking. I knew Remus was a werewolf, but, I didn't do anything about it. I felt bad for him, even while knowing he hated it when people did. I smiled at that thought.

On my way, I walked past the library. I greeted madam Pince when I walked in, respectfully. "Good morning, madam Pince. Do you happen to have any books on -er- magical creatures?"

She looked at me weirdly, but waved he wand and sent me a few books. I took two or so with me and put the rest back. I hoped they would be of any use.

Walking back to the Slytherin common room, something felt.. off. I looked around me, nothing had changed. I shrugged the feeling off and continued down the steps.

I dropped my books in my dorm and walked got my stuff. Then I took off to the common room again. "Hey, Sev!" I said happily.

He started as he looked up and hastily closed the book on his lap. I gave him a weird look. "Could you do me a favour, please?" The boy opposite of him gave him a sharp look and shrugged at him.

"Sorry, Lily, busy." He said shortly. "Mmmmkay.." I doubtedly said.

I go to the boy's dorm room more often, but I don't want to keep invading their privacy.

I dump my bag at the door and knock. No one there? Perfect.

I walk in and search at his bedside again. I thought he'd have a little more information about his.. condition. I was clearly wrong, because I couldn't find a thing.

God fucking damn it.

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