We Are Done

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    Sometimes God doesn't give us good surprise's but also the worst that hurt like hell but you have to get through them.

I had to experience this today

It is Sunday so i obviously didn't have much work something that my boyfriend didn't know.

I took my jacket and locked my studio.

My partner didn't come today, she had to spend sometime with her family and she totally deserved some free time since she was working so hard for me.

It was a cold day and some rains drops started to fall so i walked a bit faster and thank God our house wasn't to long away from my studio.

I finally arrived when it started to rain heavier.

I took my keys and opened the door.

"Babe?" I looked in the living room and the kitchen but my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

I took my shoes and jacket off and went upstairs.

I thought that i would find him in our bedroom probably sleeping.

Only if i knew what view was waiting for me behind the big white door.

"Rafael are you here?" My eyes widened and my hand flew in my mouth.

He was there but not alone.

But with my best friend.

He was fucking my best friend while i was gone.

"You must me kidding right now" i still couldn't believe in my eyes.

He quickly got up and wore his clothes.

"No aleksja it's not what it looks like" he came closer to me and tried to hold my hands but I moved away.

"What is it then?" I pointed in the bed and Stella who was wearing her clothes

"I- I don't know" he looked at me "it's not my fault she came here" he pointed on Stella

"You know very damn well who started this" she looked at him while rolling her eyes " yea it's true we've been fucking eachother for 2 months now and you never found out" she laughed

Tears were running from my eyes.

"How could you, you were my best friend" i wiped the tears away and looked on her.

"Oh please for a man like Rafael i would do everything" she got closer to him but he pushed her away.

"Babe please you have to believe me, I'm sorry i promise i will change, just forgive me please" he grabbed my waist and i slapped his hands away.

"Don't you ever dare to call me like that again" i was raising my voice "i was so stupid, i was so dumb to believe that we would work this out" i put my hands on my face.

"Aleksja please i love you" he looked on my wet red eyes.

"You know what I'm leaving" i went in our wardrobe and took my suitcase.

I throw as much clothes i could in and took it in my hand

"You know there is other way please" Rafael tried to keep me back

"There is no other way, we are done" i said while putting my shoes on.

"Yea better leave" Stella said making me show her my middle finger

"Babe please" he blocked the door

"Don't you ever dare to call me like that, I'm not your babe anymore" i tried to move him away.

"Is that really what you want?" He looked on me and i nodded.

"I will come an another day to get my other stuff" i got out while wearing my jacket and took my suitcase in my hand.

It was raining but I didn't give a fuck.

My mascara was running down my cheeks.

My tears getting mixed with the rain.

I thought he loved me and seems i was wrong.

This thing had been going on for 2 months. God i was so dumb

We've been together for 2 years, he helped me to open my studio in Helsinki and Stella i thought she was my best friend.

They were both liying for everything even for their feelings.

I hated myself for not understanding what was going on and if i hadn't came home earlier i wouldn't find out.

While i was walking i pumped into a lot of people but the rain didn't help.

The next day maybe i would have scratches cause most of them were holding umbrellas that got in my face everytime.

I also had to find a hotel i couldn't spend my night outside or else i would die from a cold.

The view i saw while getting in the room was stuck in my head and it caused more tears to come.

In our bed, were he said he made love to me, where we cuddled every night. There he was on top of my best friend fucking her.

He could take her somewhere else, maybe a hotel or even her house.
But no this had to happen in the bed which we shared.

The rain was getting heavier and you would barely see people outside.
Maybe i was the only one there.

I stopped and looked in the sky, raindrops falling in my face.

"Thank you, atleast i find out now and not after a year" I laughed and held tighter on my jacket since the air got wilder.

I was walking with my head down when i pumped again into someone, this time he almost made me fall.

"I'm so sorry sometimes I don't see where i go" the tall man chuckled

This voice, this figure, this laugh sounded so familiar to me.

"No it's absolutely fine i don't see where i walk too" i looked up on him

"Wait, Aleksja?" He looked better on me
"Is that really you?"

I nodded and hugged the tall man tightly.

*Author's note

Okay so here is the first chapter of my new story.
Maybe it's a bit boring or i don't know.
But i got a lot of ideas for this so more things are coming soon.
Hope you like it and
Enjoy 🖤

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