EXTRA: Make Some Noise

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December finally came and today we start the Christmas Tour. I was way too excited, i couldn't wait to be on stage with my boys.

Yea i can't lie it's been a week since i was feeling really nervous also but everyone was telling me that everything will be just fine.

This last month, things with Joonas were going so good that not even our mind can imagine it.

Every minute we spend together was and something different. I just can't describe how much i love him.

Fans don't have an idea about our engagement, or let's say that they only think that Joonas got a girlfriend. I think they need an update but we both agreed not to make it public.

There was no need for everyone to know about it. And I'm sure that i would get attacked if we make it official on social media.

It was 4 AM and it was still dark outside.

Tommi was driving us to Oulu, where our first gig would take place.

More than 5k people would attend and that made me feel so grateful, excited but also sick.

What if I'm bad? I mean yea we've done some rehearsals with the boys but still, what if i failed

Joonas and I were in the back seat, his head was on my lap,i was playing with his blonde locks as he was sleeping.

Everyone else except of Aleksi and Tommi obviously were awake.

We were awake keeping company to our dear drummer, it would be really unfair if everyone was sleeping and he would drive alone without having someone to say a word.

After 4 hours we arrived, it was almost eight in the morning.

We took our stuff and Joel took Tommi's too since the man really needed some sleep so he headed immediately to his hotel room.

Niko would share a room with Joel and Aleksi and Tommi with Olli, of course Joonas would stay with me.

Before everyone got in their room we wished a good night even if it was morning we were sure that we would all go to sleep again.

I placed my bag on the floor and Joonas closed the door.

He came behind me and hugged me

"Excited for the afternoon?" He whispered against my neck

"Yea can't wait" i said and started to take off my jeans which are way too uncomfy to sleep in and changed to some shorts.

I got under the covers and Joonas did the same after he got out of his clothes staying only in boxers.

"Want me to remind you want we did in this hotel last month?" I could hear him smirking and he pulled my body closer to his.

Man was sleeping almost in the whole drive and now he is way too energetic but lemme tell ya that the only thing i need to remember now is how comfy the bed is and how fast i can fall asleep

"I remember every detail, so no" i kept my eyes closed and i could feel his breath on my face

He painfully slowly kissed my lips
"are you sure?" I just nodded and moved my body lower and placed my head on his naked chest

"Okay my babe is tired, sleep well" he kissed my head and I don't even remember how fast i fell asleep

I woke up by someone opening the curtains. The sun got in the whole room. I groaned and placed the pillow over my head

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