Thanks For Everything

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I was still on Joonas arms when i felt someone close to me.

I opened my eyes and Aleksi had returned and he took my ice cream from my hand.

"What!? The ice cream was melting and you were wasting it" he looked on me

"Doesn't mean i wouldn't eat it in a bit" i said while seating back on my chair

"Probably but you were more interested on Joonas maybe he tastes better than the ice cream" he smirked on me

I gasped and my eyes widened

"Damn seems like you are not as innocent as i thought" I joked and Joonas laughed while nodding

"Yea but I'll give it back if you want it" he smiled on me

"You can have it i wouldn't eat it" i took the glass of water in my hand and took a big sip.

When Aleksi was done we left the café and went again down the park.

There were a lot of shops there, people just walking around or shopping and there were kids running, playing and laughing.

"Hey i got an Idea" said Aleksi and went to whispered something to Joonas.

I looked confused on them.

What was he planning?

"You gonna stay here, we will be back in less than 5 minutes" Joonas said and before i could say something both of them had left.

I got confused, i knew that if Joonas had the idea i had to be scared but now it was Aleksi the one to start it so i wasn't sure if i had to be afraid.

While they were gone i opened my phone and checked my message.

There were some from Rafael begging me to return or saying that i would regret I couldn't understand why he was still trying.

And there was of course a message from Stella saying that i deserved everything and that nobody will love me. I just decided to block her

I really didn't want to deal with her now.

I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Aleksi holding a rose and Joonas holding two

"This is for you" Aleksi said and handed me the red rose

"And these two" Joonas gave a blue and red one.

They both smiled to me

"Guys, you didn't have to" I looked on them and run to hug them both

"You deserve it" said Joonas and kissed my cheek

"You guys are the cutest thank you so much" i didn't let go of them

"We want to see you happy" the black haired boy said and a tear rolled down my cheek

"Aleksja stop crying please" Joonas chuckled and wiped my tear away

"I can't help it sorry" i laughed and smelled the roses.

"If Joonas had gone alone he would return tomorrow" Aleksi laughed while we walked down the road "he couldn't choose which rose's to take" he pat Joonas head

"Oh my Porko, you know that every flower you would take i would love it" i smiled on him.

Those guys knew how to make a woman feel special and that she was loved.

The managed to light up my mood in just a day and now they got flowers for me.

Almost Every woman's dream!

I'm Coming Back For More - Joonas PorkoWhere stories live. Discover now