So It's Over?

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Back on Aleksja

It's been almost a week since the "break up" with Joonas.

I spend my days on Niko's house or in my studio.

Matilda helped me a lot to get my mind off things and Niko also did.

I tried twice to meet with Joonas but of course he didn't open me the door, and after what Joel told me i was extremely worried.

I was sure that he didn't tell me everything that happened, i just knew that he only drunk alcohol and actually wanted to believe that i didn't cheat.

He hasn't gone in a rehearsal or in the studio all those days and this made me hate myself even more.

Why everything had to be so hard.
For example yesterday i was on Joel's apartment. Joonas knocked on his door but as soon as he saw me there he ran out.

I understand that it was hard for him and that i hurted him but he didn't need to treat me this way.

Joel told me that he needed time so that's what would happen,but it's been already a week.

Every time i slept on Niko's guest room, alone in the bed i felt so lonely, like i was dead inside.

I missed him so much, the way i felt when i was with him. His hugs, his kisses, his body. The way he treated me before all this happened. I couldn't describe all my emotions and not knowing if he is alright and what he is doing all those days alone broke me.

Once again i fell asleep crying in the pillow.

The whole sun was shining through the room and i felt a hand touching my shoulder

"Hey I'm sorry to wake you up" Niko whispered

I opened my eyes and turned to face him. I blinked sometimes to get used on the light.

I moved my body up and sat in the bed

"Morning" i rubbed my eyes and he sat next to me

"Good morning, how are you?" He fixed my messy hair

"Could have been better actually" i chuckled

"That's why we going in the studio today, cmon get up" he moved the covers from my body and helped me to get up

"Can we go to try if Joonas will talk to me today?" I asked him before i got in the bathroom

"We will go in the studio and we got an other way to try" he replied but before i could ask him what he meant he left the room.

I sighed and got in the bathroom, i got in the shower and stared in the wall for what felt like an eternity. All these thoughts again on my mind

What did Niko plan actually? Now i had another thing to worry

I got out and dried myself, i brushed my teeth and wore my clothes.

I didn't dry my hair i just let them down. It was a sunny day so obviously i wouldn't get a cold.

I went out of the guest room and went in the kitchen where Niko was.

When i got in i found Rommi eating from his bowl, i kneeled down and pat his head smiling.

"Feeling better?" The brunette singer asked me and i nodded

He gave me a mug of coffee and i drank it quite fast actually.

"So will we try?" I asked and tapped my nails on the table

"We will get on the studio and then everything will come alone" he smirked

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