What Do You Think About Christmas?

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It's been almost a week since we went in Oulu and we finally decided to leave. I can't lie even if i really wanted to stay here i had missed the guys and I'm sure they needed more details for everything that happened.

Our flight was early in the morning, so last night we just went for a walk, had a dinner in a restaurant and headed to the hotel to get some sleep.

Everything was happening so fast, i couldn't realize that some days ago i thought that i lost everything and now i got everything back and even more.

I thought he didn't love me anymore and now we are engaged, how fast time flies.

His mom promised that she would visit us and that she would help for the wedding a lot.

Honestly we hadn't still thought about a date and I don't think we had to for now. We still got a lot of things to do and if our minds says yes we will just go the next moment and get married.

You never know when it's about Joonas.

We woke up pretty early and took off the hotel. Our flight was at 10 so we decided to go home just to let our things and then we would head immediately in the studio to surprise the others.

When we finally arrived home it was almost 12. Joonas unlocked the door and we both stepped in.

I looked around the apartment like i would see something different.

"Welcome back in our house. Niko brought all your stuff back and our guitar is in our bedroom, fixed" Joonas smiled and i followed him in the room

Our house... Our bedroom.
So we shared everything now?
My heart was moving so fast and at the same time it was like it was melting

Joonas helped me take my suitcase in the room and then we sat in the bed.

"I missed this" i looked at him and chuckled

"And i missed hearing your voice in this house, seeing your beautiful figure walking around, shouting to me because i didn't tidy something or us cooking in the kitchen, till i start to annoy you" he chuckled "or cuddling in the sofa and the bed, or making you feel good in the way only i can" he smirked and connected our lips again

Everything that he said.... God how much I've missed all of this and even more. Even and when he annoyed me, i wouldn't change this moments for anything else.

"I love you Porko" i chuckled when we pulled away

"I love you more future mrs Porko" he smirked and helped me to get up

We didn't unpack our clothes, we left everything just like we brought them in the room.

Joonas took his car keys and we drove in the studio.

It would be for sure a surprise for the others since they knew that we would come back tomorrow.

When we finally arrived i looked in the building. It's been only a week but i had missed even this too

Joonas let me walk in first and we could hear the others voices from the hallway.

It was sounding like they were arguing but you never know what is going on when we talking about those crazy monkeys.

Joonas opened carefully the door since we didn't knew if we would end up with a pillow in our face or a bottle of beer in our head.

They weren't arguing no. They were playing something. Aleksi was wearing his headphones and Niko and Joel were trying to explain him a phrase

Poor little man I'm sure that by the way they talked he couldn't understand a word.

"Hey bitches" i screamed and they all turned to look in our direction. Except of Aleksi.

I'm Coming Back For More - Joonas PorkoWhere stories live. Discover now