Chapter 1

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Jasmines ρσν

Yay it's New Year's Eve and I get to see one direction preform at time square! Literally watch them before my eyes!

**Flash Forward**

It was New Year's Eve I was right by the band One Direction they were singing Night Changes. I looked over to Niall he is just so perfect. You can't explain how perfect he is. After the song Niall grabbed me and pulled me aside "Hey I saw you and I just couldn't keep my eyes off you. You're so beautiful." He said Did Niall freaken Horan just say that to me? Omg! "Uh are you serious?" I said.
"Yes. Look at you!" He said.
"But you're so perfect and I'm so well uh me.." I said
"Don't say that and I go to go but call me!" He said and he gave me a paper that happened to have his number on it.

I called him it was around 3 am. Ring.. Ring... Ring..
"Hey beautiful" he said
"Hi Uhm hey" I said
"Listen Jasmine I really want to get to know you. Maybe we can go to Starbucks tomorrow?" He said.
"Yes! Definitely!" I said.

**The Next Day**
I saw Niall through the window at Starbucks. I saw him wave so I walked in.

New Years EveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora