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𝓚artik  krishnapaksh moon wanes

      𝒦unti's pride soujorn like five lions proud

         𝒦rishnaa their fire-born faithful spouse

               𝒦amyak forest blooms their leafy residence

𝓡ishi to their ears bears good news

     ℛukminivallabha approaching near

        ℛight away who but Hari appears!

            ℛeins off His steeds, from His chariot descends

𝓘n order prescribed, bowed He to the elders first

       ℐmmersed in joy, the twins His feet did touch

          ℐndra's son next — Hari so warmly embraced

              ℐllumines Panchali's sadness, Madhav's solacing words

𝓢atyabhama and Draupadi, hero-wives —they each other hug

     𝒮avyasachin to his dear Shauri's ear every detail recounts

       𝒮eeks Partha  from Keshav, in his exile how fare his loved ones?

           𝒮ubhadra his sweet wife and Abhimanyu their adorable son

𝓗rishikesh, heeding custom, first Dharmaraj He addressed:

     ℋail to your virtue O King, keeper of your word at all costs

         ℋard to bear, only you could endure the outrage to Yajnaseni

             ℋear! here we are ready; your forfeit serve, your foes we chastise

𝓝ow blessed by you, by Arjuna's austerities to Shiva - well-armed

     𝒩ear to your heart, yet so far, Draupadi, your sons grow strong

          𝒩urtured by Subhadra and Rukmini — mother skills sons martial

             𝒩eophytes no more - Rukmini's son and Abhimanyu instruct well

𝓐rya! Just give word, we'll dispatch dastard Duryodhana to his doom

   𝒜rmies of ours are all yours — you can still keep to your word

      𝒜chyuta! replied Ajatashatru, to Thee we be true, but our Troth too 

          𝒜non cometh the time — by Your arms  Dharma  restored!

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 Krishna said to Yudhishthira 

 Krishna said to Yudhishthira 

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said Krishna to Draupadi

said Krishna to Draupadi

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