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 poem based on Mahabharat episode :

From weaponised Karna - he a a deadly secret son

Krishna strategic steered Arjuna away, as if to run!

His foe may seem to win but not the war he won

Praise or blame blurs not the vision of the One

Karna for foul friend and fame nursed a fatal desire

His grievanced ego drove him into a tamasic mire

Chasing Arjuna, driven by his rajasic hatred so dire

Free-wheeling Krishna released Karna at last from his ire!

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''Where He is the Charioteer, victory is certain and if He wheels back, it is only to leave ground which is no longer advantageous to Him and shift the conflict to terrain fixed beforehand for the victory.

Often He forces His adversaries to drive Him from ground conquered and occupied in order that they may exhaust their strength on a position never meant to be permanently held and by their very triumph prepare a more decisive overthrow.''

Sri Aurobindo - Karmayogin No. 38, 26 March 1910



Jarasandh was  planning to attack Mathura once again and finish the Yadavas  forever. Therefore, he made an alliance with many kings and prepared to attack and destroy Lord Krishna and his Yadavas. 

Upon receiving this news, Lord Krishna found a way to protect his people - he suggested his grandfather and elder brother shift their capital from Mathura to a new city. To this, none of the courtiers or countrymen agreed and said, 'it will be cowardness to flee from the battlefield'. Ugrasen said, "People will call you as a coward and the one who left the battlefield. Won't it be shameful for you?"

Lord Krishna was least bothered about his reputation as he cared more for his people. He said, "The entire universe knows that I have so many names. It won't affect me to have another name. My people's life is much more important than my reputation."

Upon his arrival in Mathura, Jarasandh found the abandoned city. In his rage, he called Lord Krishna as 'Ranchod' and destroyed the abandoned Mathura mercilessly.

It was then Lord Krishna said that he had already requested Lord Vishwakarma to build a new city. To make his people believe, Krishna requested Lord Vishwakarma to appear and convince everyone.

Lord Vishwakarma appeared and showed the blueprint of the new city but King Ugrasen was still not convinced as he doubted that a new city can be established in just a matter of a few days. It was then Lord Vishwakarma told, "Honourable King the city was already constructed and is currently underwater. All I need to do is bring it on the land, only if you allow me." Ugrasen nodded and thus Dwarka, the new capital city of Yadava clan came into existence. Every one abandoned Mathura and went to settle down in Dwarka. [boldsky.com]


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''The Magadhan king Jarasandha had already made this attempt [to found an empire], but his power was founded on tyranny and unrighteousness, would therefore be short-lived. Hence Sri Krishna baffled that attempt by getting him killed at the hands of Bhima.''

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo

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