Chapter 14

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"You know this is so weird but I still remember the first time I had gone to school after my father left," Maya said causing Josh to look at her.

University had already started and while Josh was busy completing his degree, Maya had just started with hers. It was certainly now more difficult than ever to try and hide their pregnancy until they felt it was safe but it was also week 14 in her pregnancy making her safe.

"When you were five?" Josh asked as Maya nodded where she was busy with a project.

"I yelled and screamed and kicked. I didn't want to go. Deep inside I kind of knew if I were to go I would never see my mother again. A lot of the times going to school was very rough for me," Maya said as Josh looked at his fiance.

"Was that why? Because you didn't want to leave your mother?" Josh asked as Maya had nodded.

She exhaled as she stood up from the kitchen table and sat down next to Josh on the couch while he was busy watching a documentary. Throwing his arm around her shoulder, Josh slightly pulled Maya closer into him, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I don't want my child to one day think I'm leaving them," Maya said as Josh exhaled.

"Maya, my dear. They never will. Know why? Because you will be an amazing mother to our child. Even to little Noah or Lily," Josh said as Maya exhaled.

"Maybe it's just my hormones talking," Maya said.

"Don't be scared. We'll be just fine."

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