The Saloon

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I step in after a long day. I take up a corner table with Sam who I had made friends with a couple of hours prior. He seemed nice and we both have music tastes in common. He was waiting for his band mates Abigail and Sebastian to turn up so he could apparently beat Seb at pool so he allowed me to sit with him as my other new friend Emily was getting us drinks

A little while later Sam left to play pool and Emily was on break so we sat and chatted. I knock back quite a few drinks with her but what's the worst that could happen?

"look at all these attractive young people here! there's got to be at least one you fancy" she whines

I shake my head, none of them are my type. Besides like I said im not falling in love and im taking it to the grave with me. I was a hopless romantic back in Zuzu City until Evan asked me out on a date. I look around and my eyes fall on a scruffy half passed out man slumped in the corner on a bar stool and I stare a bit too longer than I should. Emily eventually follows my gaze and stops talking.

"Shane huh? didn't know you were into that " she smirks.

"I haven't seen him around the town yet that's all. He isn't my type" I respond.

It isn't a lie. He looks scruffy and the sort of person that would take me for fast food as a first date. Gross. I look back in his direction and to my supprise hes staring back. Although he has a scruffy interior his eyes have a glimmer ive never seen before.

Ignoring me Emily carries on "Poor thing. All he does is drink and drink. Maybe he needs someone like you to fix him up. He may seem scruffy and cold but underneath he is just like the rest of us."

I get up and make my way over to him. Once there I sit on the bar stool next to him.

"What do you want?" he grumbles failing to make eye contact with me.

"Im Nat! im the new farmer who has just moved here. Your Shane right?" I chirp trying my hardest to make conversation. This was so much harder than when I spoke to the rest of the townspeople.

He stares at his beer glass ignoring me. I could see it is empty so I order a pint for him.

"why did you do that?" he looks up from his glass and stares at me.

Finally I can see his bright glimmering eyes staring up at me and the stubble on his face which looks like it had been previously shaved. His dark purple hair placed perfectly on his head even though it doesn't look brushed. I realise I had been staring too long.

"just thought it would be nice. I want to do something nice for you. You seem the sort to deserve good treatment" I blurted out. why the hell did I say that. He's a complete stranger who I've just brought a pint and is currently treating me like shit.

"thanks" He mutters.

He lets out a smile which quickly returns to a frown as soon as I notice it. I say goodbye and head back to my table where Emily is completely gobsmacked.

"you made him smile?!" Her eyes are wide in shock

"yeah and?" I respond. "Its not a big deal. Is it?"

"I think he likes you. In the years he's been coming to the saloon I have never seen him smile then you waltz in and there's a huge grin on his face" She tried to make it sound like she's teasing me but is obviously failing

"Not interested. Go flirt with Clint. I'm going home." I get up and leave.

I leave the saloon an the cold air hits. The moon light drapes over the sky looking almost elegant. I start walking back thinking about tomorrow. I must start planting some crops. I need to somehow make a earning and fast to pay off my debt to Robin. I try not to think about Emily's "teases" but for some reason its on my mind a lot. I'm not interested. Why should I care? Finally I get to the farmhouse and let myself in almost collapsing on my bed.

Spirit / SHANE X OC ❤️Where stories live. Discover now