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Shane jumps up and stumbles to the window as i follow.

"Holy shit! Look!" I gasp as we watch possibly the whole town stream past making their way to the place i used to call home. I feel uneasy until Shane points out their reasoning. Written on huge signs were all sorts of things including "Give us our farmer back!" And "Nat needs her home like we need her." Plastered on giant signs. I open the window and listen to the sound of all sorts going on outside. Chant's and scream's fireing like bullets. At the lead of the crowd (not at all shocked) Was Sam, Alex and Emily. I look to Shane expecting him to be as shocked as i am but to my surprise he returns with a smirk.

"Finally got what he deserved." He grins whilst pulling a sign out from under his bed which had some petty remark about how he treats me better smeared accross it. I do think it is a bit cringe but given the current situation I'll let it slide for now. I follow him as he races down the stairs and charges into the gathering to assist them.

"We've been planning this for weeks. He has turned the farm into a state. Not only that but he is refusing to help anyone in the town and it's taken affect and we've had enough." He continues.

When we arrive at the destination my heart sinks. Overgrown brambles designed to inflict pain and torture onto its victims twirls and invades the landscape gripping tightly onto it's freedom. Uncontrollably, it pulls the life out of the living nearby. The deep dark doom spread across the baron wasteland. Tree's interwined into a grim lattice and and remains of crops once growing into the perfect produce. Shane's pulls me back into reality holding my hand tightly.

Lewis steps up into the door way and sternly knocks. It soon swings open.

"Wasn't expecting visitors." Evan smirks scanning the crowd. His eyes eventually fall on me. "Got your little buddies to help you out? I knew you couldn't fight your own battles."

"You have some nerve to be doing what you are doing." Shane pipes up.

Evan starts laughing. Almost like what he said was a one liner from a shitty rom-com. "Look whose talking. The drunk of the town himself! Shame you haven't kicked off already." He responds signing the motions of shooting him self in the head. "Surprised you've made it this far with the mess of Natalie following you 24/7."

The anger fills Shane and he lunges forward. I pull him back and whisper to him to stop. This makes Evan laugh even harder than before.


Evan hit's the floor unconscious. We all stare around confused till two small shadows emerge from behind. One holding stilts and one holding a frying pan. Jas and Vincent. The crowd surrounds him as he starts to open his eyes again. Before he's gained full consciousness he's tied to the chair in Sam's house. I leave to go home for the night.

The next morning i am awoken with the sounds of two women shouting outside. I open my window to see Abigail and Emily below

"Nat come quick you've got to see this." They chant.

I start to get ready rushing round Shane's room to gather my clothes for the day. I pause for a second and set my gaze on him. Led in a heap sound asleep was my...boyfriend. Still getting used to that. I grab my things and rush out the door.

"You'll never believe it." Abi chirps.

"Believe what?" I ask.

Emily giggles. "You'll see."

I get pulled into Sam's house. Inside i am greeted by his family staring back at me.

"Where's Evan? Thought you had him!" I say in a panicked tone.

"We let him go." Jodi responds calmly.


"Because he swore if we let him go that you'd get the farm back."

"Anyd you just trusted him?!"


"Are you insane?!"


Sam throws over the keys and smirks. "My dad gave him a good scaring and he handed over the keys and legal documents. It wasn't the easiest. He's still threatened some sort of revenge but as long as he's gone we don't care. Welcome home Nat."

I smile. The sense of contentment settles in my mind. The love and care has been here all along. All it takes is for me to fall and then they catch me.

"There's something i need to do." I blurt as i run out of the house. I run for a few moments till i meet Marnies ranch. I get in to find Shane, Marnie and Jas all in the kitchen. I go straight over to Shane and pull him in for a huge kiss. I look round to Marnie.

"Thank you for looking after me."

(Im backk. 821 words)

Spirit / SHANE X OC ❤️Where stories live. Discover now