Chapter 1

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My first book!!! I hope you like it!! 

Sorry for any Grammar/Spelling mistakes! 

I don't know what to say !!  

With the help of my bfsflaeawwnbe Raquel Medrano!  


Chapter 1

Tiffany, Olivia, Emma, and I, Krystal, are shopping! We're looking for dresses for Cole's party! It's going to be the best party of the year! The jock of the school hosts the biggest parties, and we happen to be V.I.P's!

"We're going to fix our make up in the bathroom!" Olivia yelled. I watched my twin, Emma, and Olivia walk in the bathroom before asking Tiffany "How's your relationship with Adam? Is he going to the party?" Tiffany nodded her head twice giving me the answer I was hoping for. We were headed for my car before we got pulled into a van.

Screaming my lungs off and kicking around caused whoever this was to put a cloth to my mouth causing me to fall asleep.


I woke up finding myself still in the van. Hoping this was a dream I slapped myself making me yell "OW!" only to hear a guy with a sweet voice to say "Awake yet sweetheart?" Looking over at Tiffany I saw she was still asleep. "What do you want? Where are you taking us? Why us? Who are you??" I asked tears filling in my eyes as I spoke. "Are you hungry?" Asked the guy driving. "How can I be hungry at a time like this??" I whisper yelled not wanting Tiffany to wake up only to hear my stomach growl. My cheeks burning red in embarrassment and the two kidnappers laughing only made it worse. "McDonald's here we come!" said the guy in the passengers seat.

They parked in front of McDonalds and told me to wake Tiffany up. "Tiffany wake up." When she didn't wake up I asked "What are your names? I cant just be kidnapped without knowing your names." Instead of giving me an answer they just yelled at Tiffany to wake up. Once Tiffany woke up we went in to McDonald's. I ordered the most considering I'm obsessed with food. I felt eyes bore into my skull as I ate like I've never had food that tasted this delicious! "What's your name?" Tiffany asked directing the question to the blonde.

"Xander." He answered after a couple of seconds. "What's yours?" I asked the other guy with a mouthful of fries. "Jake, how are you so skinny?." I shrugged stuffing the hamburger in my mouth. After I finished eating I noticed how hot and muscular Jake is. "Everyone finished?" Xander asked us. "I've never seen kidnappers that are nice enough to take their victims out to McDonald's!" I said enthusiastically. Jake seemed like a nice guy and every time he looks at me and has that smirk on his face I get butterflies in my stomach. I know I shouldn't be thinking about him that way considering my boyfriend is the jock of Danville High School.

"How old are you guys?" Tiffany asked when we were on the road going who knows where. Suddenly something crashed into our car making us all scream, well Tiffany and I scream. The guys just started cussing at the car behind us "Are you ok?" Jake asked directing the question to me with a very worried look on his face. "I think." I answered checking my arms. "I'm fine too! Thanks for asking!" Tiffany said with a very sarcastic tone. Good thing the damage of the car wasn't bad. The only thing that got me worried is the blood running down Jakes face. "Oh my gosh! Jake are you ok?" I asked him my voice filled with worry. "I'm fine. If every ones ok let's get going." Jake said causing me to get even more worried. "No you can't drive! Xander you drive and Tiffany go to the passengers seat to let jake come back here, so I could see how bad that wound is." I practically ordered them. I got out of the car to help Jake in case he was dizzy. I let him lay on my lap so he wont lose to much blood. "18. I'm 18." Jake said and gave me the sweetest smile on earth before his eyes fluttered close. My heart beat faster and faster by the moment.

Looking around for band aids and some medicine for the wound, Tiffany looked at me like I was crazy and mouthed 'they're our kidnappers why are you helping him?' I rolled my eyes and continued looking. When we stopped at a gas station I noticed the newspaper headlines 'Krystal Reyes and Tiffany Swan missing from Danville Mall Friday July 15, 2012.' Seeing the article had me stop in my tracks, I was messing with Jakes brunette hair. Ok, so I might have a boyfriend but he was adorable in his sleep. I don't know what it is about him that makes me get butterflies in my stomach, and my heart to beat faster by the moment!

"We're going to the Marriott to spend the night one of you two pay." Xander said. "I'll pay!" I said when we parked at Marriott. Excited, I woke Jake up making sure he doesn't feel dizzy anymore and helped him out of the car. "Thanks." Jake said to me while putting a cap on me making my cheeks flush bright red. "We wouldn't want people noticing your pretty face now do we, sweetheart?" Jake said to me making my heart flutter. When we went in we got two separate rooms, "I'll share my room with the blonde." Xander said winking at Tiffany! I tried to hold back my laughter, but seeing the look on Tiffany's face made me burst out laughing! "I guess we're sharing a room than." Jake said blushing! It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

When we got to our room we had the same surprised look on both of our faces. "Th.. The room only ... Has ... One bed!" Jake said scratching the back of his neck. "Um.. I'll sleep on the chair.." I said shyly. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said walking over to the restroom. "Wait!" He said handing me some clothes, "Here, you don't have extra clothes." I gave him a small smile before heading to the warm shower. When I got out of the shower I saw Jake looking out the window. "Let's sleep on the bed together." He said kind of shocking me! Ok, so I wasn't just kind of shocked I was shocked out of my brains!! "Um.. Are you sure?" I asked unable to stop the stuttering. "Yeah. I'm sure but are you?" He asked me. "Yeah, I guess I'll live!" I think my respond shocked him. "Do you really trust me? I freaking kidnapped you!" I shrugged laying down on the bed. Laughing he laid down next to me.

He took my hand and entwined my fingers with his and gave me a warm smile before falling sleep.


What do you guys think of my first chapter? That's it for now! I'll try to update every week or so! Please comment and vote ! Loves you lots.!!!! ^.^

Skittles!!! Live. Laugh. Love. <3

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