Chapter 5. We'll be a dream

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Sorry... Had a case of writers block D:

It's horrible..!

Well .. I don't know what to say.. Lol!!



Chapter 5.

Krystal Reyes

"It was tough. My mother died in a car accident. How my father is so heartless, beats me. How could he get married after three weeks. THREE freaking weeks after my moms death. Last time I checked my dad was the ass who was driving when we crashed. All three of us (my dad, mom, and me) were in the car. My dad was an abusive father.. He was hitting my mom because she told him to slow down. He gave her a last very hard hit and then we crashed. I was crying in the back seat and then I turned around, so i wouldn't have to see my mom in pain and then we crashed. One piece of glass cutting down my back. I yelled in pain but I noticed that my dad got out of the car and left me and my mom. I still had my back towards my mom. When the ambulance came they carefully took me out first and then my mom. That's when I noticed.." Sobs were streaking down my face and I didn't even bother to notice that I was thinking out loud and so I kept going on about my story. "My mom.. My mom had a slashed throat. I was pretty sure it was my father so after they let me out of the hospital, and after I went to my mothers funeral, I went to my dad started yelling at him saying he slashed my moms throat. Well at least that was the plan.. I walked into my fathers office only to see a girl old enough to by my sister, and my father doing it.. Like right on his chair doing it.. I an out of his office well not really considering my back wasn't fully recovered. I still have the scar on my back right next to my spine the length of half my arm. It was three years ago. Now.. Now I live alone. I've been so lonely.. And when I went to school it was worse. People looked at me with pity and whispered things about me, but I was to numb to do anything. To feel anything. All I felt was pure hatred for the man that caused my mothers death."

After a long silence except for my sobs I heard.

"My father was an abusive one too."

I jumped, startled noticing that jake was awake. Wait how does he know? Ooh. I was thinking out loud again. I really need to stop doing that.

"When.. did.. you.. wake.. up?" I asked in between sobs.

Jake sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I started crying more.

"Ssh. I got you. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be ok. You have me now."

My tears stopped and I stayed on his lap the warmth of his chest relieving me.

My eyelids felt heavy and right before I fell asleep I heard jake whisper.

"I.. Lo.... You" I smiled and fell asleep on his lap.


Jake Collins

"I love you."

I whispered thinking she was asleep.

I placed her down and started packing my (our) stuff then picked Krystal up bridal style. I carried her to the cabin my mother made for me when I was a kid. I used to love the forest until that horrible day. Ill tell Krystal later. Soon we reached the cabin and I opened the door, walking in on a very dusty cabin. I haven't been here in three years. I put Krystal down on the bed thanking god it didn't have dust on it. I noticed my guitar next to my bed and picked it up. Dusting it off I heard Krystal's stomach grumble than put the guitar on the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen, and started cooking.


Krystal Reyes

I woke up in a room a very unfamiliar room but didn't scream it was.. Comforting. I noticed the guitar on the bed and picked it up. I blew on it and the dust flew away. I started playing 'We'll Be a Dream' by We the kings ft. Demi Lovato.


Jake Collins

I was in front of the room when I heard her playing 'We'll be a dream'

I opened the door and started singing.


Krystal Reyes and Jake Collins


Do you remember the nights

We'd stay up just laughing

Smiling for hours

At anything

Remember the nights

We drove around crazy in love

When the lights go out

We'll be safe and sound

We'll take control of the world

Like it's all we have to hold on to

And we'll be a dream


Do you remember the nights

We made our way dreaming

Hoping of being

Someone big

We were so young then

We were too crazy

In love

When the lights go out

We'll be safe and sound

We'll take control of the world

Like it's all we have to hold on to

And we'll be a dream


Whoa whoa

Whoa whoa

Whoa whoa


When the lights go out

We'll be safe and sound

We'll take control of the world

Like it's all we have to hold on to

And we'll be


When the lights go out

We'll be safe and sound

We'll take control of the world

Like it's all we have to hold on to

And we'll be a dream


Jake Collins

That was amazing.! Our voices sounded like .. Oh I can't explain it but it was amazing!

"That was amazing.!" Krystal and I said at the same time.

To my surprise Krystal put the guitar down and ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back happily.! She pulled away but not to far her face was slowly coming near mine and I knew we about a centimeter apart until Krystal's stomach grumbled. Krystal blushed and turned around right when I remembered I had cooked her a meal.


Authors note: It's sort of short sorry. And again I'm sorry for the delay in the updates. You'll be up for a surprise on the next chapter! I have a plot but not exactly .. See I just write what I think would be cool to add.. And I started crying when I was writing this ..! I'll have Jake tell his story soon. :)

For now my lovely skittles!!

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