Chapter 8.

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OK.. so I'm on my spring break!!!!! ill try updating like every other day but if i don't its cause I'm having a bit of trouble writing the chapters.. I'M SO EXCITED!! sorry i don't even think I'm doing anything during spring break except of course READING! and WRITING for you lovelies! ill keep this A/N short so!!!


Chapter 8

(Krystal Reyes)

Ok getting kidnapped again wasnt part of my plan. Even more getting Jake kidnapped with me was definitely NOT my plan. Why did I run from Jake? I know he won't hurt me.. Now we both got kidnapped. Why me of all people?! I think I already got kidnapped enough this week!



"I am so sorry I got you in this mess! I don't know what I was thinking! I am so sorry Jake!"

"Hey. Hey it's not your fault! Please stop crying baby. Come here."

I looked up at him through watery eyes and saw him patting his lap wanting me to sit on it.

Quickly taking up on his offer I ran and sat on his lap giving him a hug. I was crying a lot getting his shirt wet. While he sweetly rubbed circles around my back.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay. We'll be fine."

After a while Jakes voice faded out, and I went to sleep on his lap.


I woke up to the sounds of agonizing screams.... coming from Jake.

I ran to the person who was hitting Jake and started pushing him away. That's when he took his whip and slashed it on me. Making me fall back in pain. He kept hitting me, and kept getting growled at by Jake.

Then it snapped. I could do it. I could show them my secret right now. What if Jake gets scared of my secret.

I decided I'll put up with it a while longer.


I faintly heard Jake scream, and then the hitting stopped and it was aimed at Jake. I saw him get hit one more time before everything went black.

(Jakes POV)

When Krystal fell asleep on my lap, he (Jorge) came in and were gonna take her and hit her. I told him to do it on me instead. After what seemed like half an hour Krystal woke up and started pushing the guy thats named Jorge away and instead got hit instead of me.

I couldn't take it anymore and told Jorge to do it against me. Being who I am helped the keep the pain bearable. To be fairly honest.. This guy hits like a girl.! I was only screaming so I could at least pretend it was hurting me. When it wasn't in the least bit.

This guy is seriously getting on my nerves. I was going to hide my secret until the end, but he was getting on my nerves.

(Jorges POV)

I hate doing this! Hurting innocent kids! What do i get out of this? i have to remeber Im doing this for my family. My boss said he was goignt o kill them if i didnt do this. The question thats really bothering me is why these kids? What is so important about these kids tha he wants me to torture them? These kids love eachother and now there probably gonna die together. I hate my boss! i hate how hes using my famiy to makeme torture poor innocent children. i have to tell this kid about it so he dosnt get the worng impression of me.

"I am so sorry i had to do this. My boss wouldve killed my family if i didnt torture you gusy. Do you know why he wants to torture you kids? I am truly sorry."

" Wait hold on who's he? And no i dont know why whoever he is chose us. So mind to tell me who he is?'

"Paul Collins.'


"What do you know who he is?'

"Sadly i do.. He's my father.'

'What? why would he do that to you?"

"He's did it since I was little. i think i got used to it."



"Jake what's going on?"

That little girl woke up probably because "jake" was yelling. She saw me standing there whip in hand and ran towards Jake asking if he was ok. She gave him a hug and then started crying.

(Jakes POV)

When he told me my father sent him to torture us. I was furious how could he still be so disgusting enough to torture me after all these years. Of course then he didnt do it alone. He did it with his "business partner."

I lost my mother because of him. I lost my one good parent. Well the parent that raised me. Before my mother died she told me that they weren't my real parents. I was so furious as to why Paul would hit a kid that's not even his! I went up to him and slapped him across the face. Then I went to my mom, but she was gone from this world and sent to heaven. So I ran. I ran far very far away from him. He found me and now he wants revenge.

"How do you know he was working with someone?"

I heard Jorge ask.

"Wait what are you guys talking about? Who's working for who?"

After I clued Krystal in on everything she gave me a huge hug, saying she was sorry.

"Hey don't worry about it. It's not your fault! He's not even my real father."

"More the reason he shouldn't do that!"

Krystal moved away from me shaking with anger. I felt it deep within me and I rushed to where she stood to calm her down. I felt her calm down right at my touch.

"Who works with your father?"

"I don't know. I was hoping Jorge does.."

Jorge looked at me with pity. Something I didn't need from him! Than he said it he said his name. The man that worked with my father and is still working with my father he said

"Adam Reyes."


I heard Krystal scream. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I asked he giving her a hug.

"My.. My.. My dad is working with yours.."

I faintly heard her say that but I did I heard her. She was angry I felt it. I was angry!

My wolf took control of me and I phased into my huge black wolf.

I turned to look at Krystal but in her place stood a white wolf.


AHHH cliffhanger?? Haha sorry I've been waiting so long to get this chapter finished but I didn't know how to put it together!

So they're wolves! I came up with this idea like about three days ago!! I read A LOT of werewolf books so I couldn't handle not having wolves in mine!!

Please please comment what you think! I noticed that people are reading my book but not commenting a few have voted..

So please comment and vote!!

Btw not edited thoroughly because I just had to upload for you guys!!

I love you guys!!!!!


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