Chapter 9.

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I'll get straight to the chapter.


Chapter 9.

(Krystal Reyes)

Seeing Jake shift. I was astonished! I wasn't scared just happy. To know there are others like me, it's amazing. Well I knew there were others like me but to have one so close to me I don't think I've ever been this happy.

When I heard it was my dad, my wolf was almost surfaced but Jake beat me to it. I found out I was a wolf when I turned sixteen and broke all the bones in my body. At the time no one was home so I kept my identity a secret. I saw my wolf in the mirror considering one whole side of my room is a mirror I couldn't miss that I was an over sized white wolf. After that I've spent most of my free afternoons in the library reading about werewolves. I learned about mates and that you officially have to be 18 to find your other half. I'm only 17 but my birthday is coming up in a couple weeks. There's also this mind link thing and I swear I heard people talking in my mind... I just didn't know how to say anything back. Well I did but I got so scared! I saw Jake point his head towards the door and it took my five seconds before I nodded and we ran outside the door.

After running for about an hour I started hearing the city traffic. Next to me I saw Jake head behind a tree. I was about to follow him but he came out wearing a pair of basketball shorts. Did I ever mention that he has a very hot body!

Jake dropped some clothes in front of me snapping me out of thoughts.

"Go shift.. You don't wanna walk the city well stroll the city as a wolf.."

Chuckling slightly I nodded. After changing into the clothes Jake gave me, we headed towards the streets hand in hand.

"You never told me how old your were.."

I asked Jake mainly because I wanted to know if he found his mate yet. Somewhere inside me I didn't want Jake or me to find our mates unless we were mates. The thought of me and jake being mates made me blush. He chuckled getting me out of my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me apparently noticing my blush.

"N... Nothing..."

I usually stutter when I get nervous. I hate how it's so obvious. Chuckling Jake put an arm over my shoulder, and let the matter go.

Breaking the silence after what seemed like a minute or two Jake replied to my earlier question.

"17, almost 18."

I let out a huge sigh in my mind.. I can't let Jake know that I wanted for us to be mates.

"When's your birthday?"

"April 7th."

"NO WAYYY!!!!!"

I CANNOT believe this!!! We'd be finding our mate on the same day! Well supposedly.. My mate could be somewhere out there living with a pack.. Oh how I wish I was in a pack! My mom once told me a story now I'm thinking its not a story anymore.



"You zoned out didn't you?" He asked me chuckling. I nodded sheepishly. "It's ok, I asked why did you go all "NO WAYY" on me when I told you when my birthday is.?"

He tried to mimic my voice but failed completely! I started laughing my ass off! Once I calmed down I replied

"Oh! First of all I do NOT sound like that! Second because we were born on the same day!!"


We both looked at each other than fell to the ground laughing! After about 5 minutes of laughing and about a million tears falling down my face because I was laughing to hard, my stomach started hurting so I had to calm down. I looked over to Jake and noticed he was in the same situation. We had eye contact then fell back to the ground laughing again. After a minute or so Jake asked

"Why are you even laughing? I was laughing at the look on your face haha it was priceless!"

"I was laughing at your face! Ha!! And when we made eye contact dang that was hilarious!!!"

"Well, do you think our moms knew each other?"

Wow! He knows how to change the subject.!


"My mom told me a story once before she died.."

I looked at him waiting for him to continue. Before he continued though he moved us over to a tree and sat down laying back against the tree.

"My mom said it was all true here's how it went.. So there's a boy and a girl, both came from two different werewolf families, the beta and alpha family to be exact. They were from the Silver Hollow Pack. The strongest pack in the world. The enemy pack heard about there births and stole the babies from under their noses! How they managed it who knows! When the alpha and beta found out there children were gone they immediately knew it was the Crest Pack, their enemy pack. They set out with all of there enforcers and fighters and a lot of other pack members and attacked the Crest Pack. They killed each and every pack member of the Crest Pack considering they didn't even have many people in their pack, but by the time they got there the alpha and beta of the Crest Pack were already gone along with the two kids and their mates. My mom also told me the exact town where the Silver Hollow Pack were. I'm pretty sure it's not just a town but I think it was where the Alpha lives. At the time my mom was about to die. I asked her if the boy was me and before she could answer..."

I looked over to Jake and noticed he was crying. I put my hand against his cheek and pushed him against my shoulder so he was crying on my shoulder.

"I think I know who the girl is.."

Jake lifted his head up from my shoulder. Noticing the confused look on my face he told me what he meant.

"The girl from the story.. I think it's you."

After going through everything he said I remembered that my mom told me the exact same story.

"My mom told me the same exact story. She told me I was the girl."


So my plans for updating a lot during spring break kinda.. Didn't work well.. But cliffhanger?!?! Tell me what you think about it!!

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Love you all!!! :*

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