The beginning Part 2

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AUTHORS POV: After all that walking, Eve finally made it to their father's room, surprisingly the guards that were usually positioned at his door, weren't there, strange.

"Hmmm..What are those voices I can hear coming from inside fathers room..?"she hears voices inside of her fathers room so she decide to her ear up against the door to have a listen-in.

"But you must understand, master.. When Eve finds out.. She'll be heartbroken.."

"Heh, that little rat of a daughter I have? I'm surprised she has any different emotions other than upset or shocked, she's such high maintenance and such a dramatic person, She's so not fit for being Queen of this Kingdom, I'm only doing this because I need someone to continue on my legacy, secure my throne and have my grandchildren whether she likes it or not, I'll even force her to, even though I probably won't need to lift a finger, I can just lie and say that our kingdom depends on it or some sh*t like that. Yada Yada.

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I Pulled my ear away from the door,.. I had heard enough, tears were now gushing down my face in uncontrollable amounts.. Does father really think of me in that way...?

I quickly wiped my tears with the sleeve of my dress, they were fogging up my vision. As my arm brushed my corset softly as they lowered down to my side..I thought of how betrayed I felt.. Father said he loved me and had never and would never say a bad thing about me..He said that he respected me in every way, shape or form..I told father once when I was 15 that I wasn't Interested and Didn't like the thought of getting down and dirty with someone or Having children.. And he told me he'd respect that..And here I was, just finding out he'd force me to do stuff I didn't want to all because he wants to make sure he has more control over this little "kingdom" of his. Disgusting and pathetic.

I picked up the front of my dress off of the floor and started dashing in the direction of my chambers, tears flowing out of my eyes. Going up stairs and turning corners.
Just when I reached the balcony area that overlooked the main entrance, I heard the trumpet that usually signalled the presence of an important person 🎶🎵🎶~

"The Prince of Lardinia, Xanader Has Arrived! Future Groom to Princess Eve of Criqstonia!"

"H-huh!? Wasn't he supposed to arrive in a few more hours from now? Why is he so early?!"

"ughhh, I know my ancestors would totally kill me, but just one quick look won't hurt.."

I peered down, hoping to see my "groom" but all I saw were male servants (probably the prince's servants) and my dad walking down the stairs...Oh how it hurt to look at him now..And greeting this random old man with broad shoulders and slick,black hair with a handshake. (probably the "groom's" dad) but no sight of the "groom". Oh well.. doesn't really matter I guess...

I continue running back to my chambers.

Authors pov #2

You finally have reached your chambers.. At last.. It's a shame you couldn't see the Prince's face, well it didn't really matter I guess. After all, you had even more serious things to consider here.

You couldn't just ignore what you heard your father say earlier..

You really only have 3 options

Option number 1: agree to the wedding and be forcefully impregnated, possibly slaved, and trapped to live unhappily married to a man you may or may not have/get feelings for.


Option 2: Run away and start a life anew in a completely different kingdom, free from all stress and free from all this bullcrap

Option 3: politely ask father to stop the marriage and hope he does

The answer was quite obvious here...But you'd have to start tommorow, as you were feeling very tired and needed rest.

You gently take off your shoes as you call for a maid to come assist you to get ready for bed.

Prince pov:

Life is so frustrating, just yesterday my father interrupted my fencing classes with my favourite mentor, dragged me out of the barn, told my mentor it was important and told me that he apparently found just the right bride for me. I told him that I wanted to find love on my own but he threatened to stop my fencing classes for the rest of my time in "his" palace.
Now I'm in a stupid carriage, heading towards a palace of a girl I've never met before in my whole entire life. I haven't even seen her face, for all I know she could be a witch, Or a bridge troll..Mother used to tell me stories about those.
And I bet she's squealing like a little rat right now, oh I bet she's so excited to be intruding on my young adulthood by forcing her father to get mine to agree to this STUPID marriage..How frustrating.I might as well just take a nap.

"Your highness! Hello? Your highness?"

"Uuughhh, what is it?"

"Your father went into the palace a few moments ago and I think you should follow him."

"Oh! Shit! Thanks for reminding me, I'll be on my way!"

"Your welcome sire!."

I finally caught up to my father, he and the father of this rat I'm supposed to be marrying, were heading up flights of stairs.

"Ah! There's my boy"
My father proclaimed as he saw me out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh! And here my Daughter was worrying about him not being "handsome enough"

'Wow.' I thought to myself 'she must be a picky, disgusting rat then.'

We walked past chamber after chamber, until finally they showed me my chambers I would be staying in, as I entered, I was hit with the smell of fresh linen and fresh sheets, "atleast the rooms are nice" I mumble to myself as I kick off my shoes and fall back onto my bed.

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