The inn

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We followed the midget until we reached the deck of a cozy looking wooden building.
"OK, I may not be able to go in there because I gotta go run some errands, but just tell him Shaniya sent ya."

Just as she was about to run off in the direction of the markets, she stopped and said:
"Oh, and if he asks for the code name, just say pineapple blood! See ya!"

She ran off into the distance.

"Soo, do we go in or what?" Said Alex.

"Obviously, dumbass."

We open the door and enter, the door makes a fun little bell noise as we walk into the place.

Infront of us we see a what seems to not only look like a pub, but a depressing  pub at that.

We look around and see a blonde, bearded man stirring his drink with a teaspoon and staring into space, whilst an confuzzled looking redhead girl with short hair sits on the chair infront of him, it looked like they were on a date, but a very depressing date.

We look infront of us to see a bar, and a friendly looking man behind it.
"Hello there! What may I help you two with?" He beamed at us

"A table for tw-"
I whacked Alex in the rib with my elbow.
"Yowch!" He yelped.

"Ignore him." I said
"Shaniya sent us here to get a discount on a room because we did a little "Chore" for her."

He clasped his hands"Hmmmm.. what's the code name then?" He asked.

"Pineapple blood."

"Hmm, and who might you two be, are you locals, how come I've never seen ya around?" The man questioned

"Well we..uhh.." I struggled to remember the excuse we came up with before. I gave Alex a look that said 'help me, dumbass.'

"We are poor, lost, broke and madly in love teenagers who had been kicked out of their homes and sent off somewhere else because our love was forbidden.. yet so, so passionate, so we stuck together through thick and thin. We were even attacked by wasps, which stung my dearest Eliana, but sadly due to being so, so far away from any profession..uh..medical person, we had to endulge in a witch, who did heal her, but also took all of our gold coins and valuables...we rushed to this village before any more bad luck could befall us, and things happened.. but now, we're here." Alex Lied.

I stared at him, wide eyed, then I stared at the man, whose eyes were filled with tears and hands were covering his mouth.

"Oh my goodness, that is such a sad backstory, forbidden love, killer wasps, witches, oh my, it's just so much to take in! Deary me, you can have it for free, there's no such thing as forbidden love here, infact we have two love birds in the room across from where you will be, here you go!"

He handed us a key and pointed towards the stairs.

"T-thanks?" I thank the man.

We walked up the stairs.

"Oh my gosh how do you make up such stories like that, do you like theatre it something?" I ask

"Nope, but we totally should've cried infront of him so we could've gotten free meals too."
Alex smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. No way this idiot could be such a smartass
I felt a hand on my shoulder, welp, this is our room. Room 208."

"Oh, finally, let's head inside!"

We burst into the room, closing the door behind us, and planking onto the same bed. I sink my head into the soft sheets. I look over and see Alex doing the same a few millimetres away. I use my leg and push him off the bed.
"Get off loozer, this is my territory now"

"Shoot, your a feisty one aren't you." He said.

I stretched my Limbs on the bed.

"Uh, Eli, I regret to inform you of this, but there is only one bed."
I hear Alex's voice call out.

"Well that's going to be a problem, ain't it"  yaaawnn...
I yawn.

I suddenly hear his body plunk onto the bed, "I guess we're both sleeping here then."
"Yeah I gue- YAAAAH NO WAY WE AINT!!" I squeal.

"Why not?"

"Becausee, my mother always used to talk to me about what happens if I ever share a bed with a boy, and no way I'm getting impregnated when I'm so young, and especially by a total loser like you! And also the idea of sleeping with someone makes my skin crawl..eughhhhh...."

"Chill, chill, I'm a gentleman, not  a beast, I know what consent is and all we'll do is sleep. And I will totally respect your boundaries,  if you respect mine that is.

"Boundaries accepted, then." I say.

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