Paper boy.

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"Well then, it's time to rest."

I carefully removed corset and tied my hair into a braid, whilst Alex was on the other side of the room doing something else.

I removed my boots and rushed to the toiletries to switch bras .

I almost got into bed but then I remembered something.

"Hey Alex?"


"What were you..doing climbing out of that castle window?"

"...I was a servant of the Prince, I was treated very poorly so I escaped."

Something in his sentence felt off, but I decided to ignore.

"Hey." I heard Alex's voice.

"What's the matter?" I ask

"What were you doing climbing out of that window?" He asked.

I paused for a moment. I couldn't have just told him about what I've heard and what I've endured. I'm pretty sure my father would have me all over the news.
I dont want Alex to turn me in, no way I want to go back there.

"I was a maid of the princess, but then one day I was being threatened and forced to do something I really didn't want to, Didnt I already tell you that my work was becoming a little too stressful."

"Oh. I See."

We both went to bed in silence.

We both fell asleep pretty easily.

I had a lovely dream about frolicking in a rose field with a rabbit.

"Morning Sunshine." I hear a deep voice call out.

I blush a little, his morning voice sounds so dreamy.

I sit up and wipe the drool from my mouth, goddamit, why did I have to have such a disgusting habit now.

I stretch my arms out and yawn.

"Morning loser." I say whilst yawning.

I get up and stared at my corset on the ground.
"Shit." I grumble

"Why so Angry, sunshine?"

"I forgot to pack more clothes. I can't keep wearing this all the time, It'll stink."

"How about we go to that little girl and get some other weird crazy discount?"

"Hnnngh, I guess."
I put my corset on and tightened it.
"You done?" I asked.

"Yes." Alex replied.

"Let's go then."

I grabbed the little amount of money that I had and we head out the door and down the stairs for breakfast.

"Hello!" The man said, beaming at us.

"Morning." Alex and I said in unison. We sat down at the barstools near the counter and handed him some money.

"What would the madame like to eat?"

"Bread soup, please."

"And what would the sir like?"

"What she had."

"Alright, I'll be right back with your food!"

I rest my head in my arms and sighed, "so, do you think we can find that bratty girl again?"

"If you keep your eyes down, then yeah."

"Haha, yeah.."

I dozed off for a bit but was awakened by the ringing of a bell.

I looked back at the door, which I now saw what I think was the local newsboy handing out papers.

"One for you, One for you, One for-

I pulled Alex's and I's hoods up, just incase.

One for you, and One for you!" I was now holding a paper in my hands. I unfolded it to see that my face was plastered everywhere, aswell as Alex's. I didn't stop to read it, but I knew this meant trouble. I snatched Alex's paper out of his hands "heyyy, I was reading the front cover!" He whined.

I put one of the papers in my bag, and the other in the fire.

I grabbed Alex's hand and ked him out of the inn. "Look, I may not have read much, but both of our faces are plastered everywhere in this paper. I opened the newsletter and held it out long enough for him to see the photos.

"Ohh...that's bad, that's really bad."
He said, biting his nails.

" I grabbed his hand and led him to the back of the building.
"Quick, empty out your bag!"


"Just do it!"

"OK,ok fine!"

Alex emptied out the contents of his bag. I scanned all of the items until I found a shiny looking thing.

I picked it up.
"What's this?"
I asked.
"Just something I found in our inn whilst I was getting dressed, it looks like a crystal.:

"Perfect." I say

I put everything back into his bag except for the potential crystal, which I put in my pouch of money.

I grabbed his wrist and scanned the buildings that surrounded us. Ah, there it was, the pawn shop!

I went in and put 2 things onto the counter, a silver coin, and the crystal (well, I think it is a crystal)
The owner stared at me "What's this?" He asks.

"A rare coin and a very hard to find, none of the ordinary crystal!

He stares at me and slides the stuff towards him and hands me some gold coins.

"yessss" I quietly whisper to myself.

I skip out of the shop and drag Alex to yet another store,            ~the Seamstresses Lair~

"Hello Deary." I hear as I enter the store.

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