The reveal

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WARNING: SMALL MENTIONS OF NONCONSENSUAL STUFF                                                                          If you are reading from laptop or computer, please read carefully, as this is better read on phone.

I sit down on a large rock, "ugh, I know I said run, but my goodness you are a fast runner."                   Alex Smiled and winked at me "well, I thought I impressed you enough by saving you from cracking your skull open." He chuckled.

I chuckled back, thank God that he was there. "I was impressed, don't worry."                                          I outstretched my limbs and yawned, "I'm going to take a bit of a nap now, please stand guard of me and alert me if we have to run again."

"Sure thing."

I dozed off.

"Eliana! you brat, What were you thinking, running away from your BEAUTIFUL HOME to go live a PEASANT LIFE?!" Father grabbed me by the collar, I couldn't speak, my mouth had been sewn shut with cotton a bold vermilion." Behind him was the man that had beaten me earlier, staring at me with his piercing dark eyes. "Brat." He muttered before transforming into a shorter and somehow more vile version of himself. He walked over to me and kissed my hand, I felt as though I was going to puke. "Hello My beautiful wife."    he said to me, before unbuttoning my dress.                                                                                                                                                                                         My tears streamed down my face like I was crying out a river, coming out of my eyes the same velocity as a harsh waterfall.

I woke up to see alex stroking my head with one of his hands and squeezing my fingers with the other. The newspaper that was in my messenger bag before now lay on the ground, open to the page with Alex and I's Faces on it.

"Ev- I mean Eliana?! Are you ok? What happened?" he looked at me wide-eyed, It seems I had been sobbing outside of my dream the same as I was inside of it. 

"J-just a b-bad dream.." I stutter,  sitting up and wiping my tears."                                                                      I could see the concern on Alex's face.

"H-hey." I said, to which Alex replied with a soft "Hm?"                                                                                        I looked at him dead in the eyes. "You better not fuckin' pity me after this right? I don't want any pity, I hate the feeling of being pitied, got that?!" I said.

"Wow, for a princess you've got a lot of attitude." Alex Smirked.                                                                     "heh, yeah.- WAIT A MINUTE WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

Alex's eyes shot wide open, he messed up. "uh..Im sorry Eve, but I couldn't help but be curious, I just wanted to know what they said about me, but then my eyes kinda.. drifted."

I sighed, "Well, if we are going to spend our time travelling together, we'd have to find out either way."                                                                                                                                                                                            'Alex' handed me the papers. "there's something you have to know about me, too.." he pointed towards his picture. I read what it said about him and Gasped "P-prince Xander?!" I stared wide eyed at him.

"Yours truly. Heh." He said awkwardly.                                                                                                                          "S-so we were both trying to escape from each other?!" I said, shocked."

"Heh. Marrying you doesn't seem too bad." Xander Smirked.                                                                                  I blushed. "Th-thats not the point!"                                                                                                                     "you seem to be into me too." Xander smirked.                                                                                                                                                                                 

I blushed even harder, "M-maybe.."

We made eye contact for a little too long. He touched his hand to my cheek gently and pulled me in, but before we could continue we heard rustling noises and shouting:                                                "WE KNOW YOU ARE HERE, YOUR FATHERS ARE GOING TO BE MAD."

"shit." we both mumble. He slowly takes his hand off of my face and grabbed my arm.                          "we'll do romantic shit after we escape these lads."with his spare hand, he put his finger to his lips and we dashed off in the other direction,  light steps and cautious minds, we somehow managed to escape the guards.

"Hey, I think I see a village up ahead, just across those hills. I heard that some villages receive the papers later than others, so we can probably sabotage its system or something." I said, avoiding eye contact with him, still flustered

"Lets go then, Princess." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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