The escape

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Once I reach my chambers, I rush to my closet, filled with dresses for every occasion. I grab a white one that falls just below the knees, then chuck it onto my bed.
Next, I start searching for a cloak and end up picking a crimson coloured one. Now all I needed now were shoes. I Searched for a pair of leather boots and then chucked them onto my bed too.

I.Cannot.Marry.A.Man.Who.Is.Like.His.Father.! NEVER!

Now all I needed was a bit of money and a source of light.
I found the table where I keep my savings and poured it all into a messenger bag. Then I grabbed a candle and a candle lighter and stuffed it into my bag.

I quickly got changed and slung the bag over my shoulder.. now all I needed was a way out. It's not like I could use the front gate, tonnes of guards are stationed there.

I looked around my room, trying to think of some sort of answer.
Until I saw it
The perfect plan
I looked at my bedsheets, then I looked at my window..perfect.

I tie my sheets together, open the window and before I throw it down, no guards, they station themselves at my window at 11:00. It was 10:43, so I better hurry.
I throw the sheets down and start to climb, but midway climbing I see someone out if the corner of my eye doing the exact same thing a few windows over. I stop and stare at them.
They stare at me.
I lifted one hand and waved at the stranger. They waved back at me.

I continue down my "rope" and they do too.
"Heh I wonder if they're in the same situation as me- WAITTT" I whispered to myself.
I look back over to where the stranger should be but they aren't there.

I stop in my tracks and let go of the rope by accident.

I fall down and squeeze my eyes tight, but instead of landing harshly on the ground, I land in someone's arms. I look up at them.

"T-thank you."I mutter.
I get out from his arms and start climbing the old gate.

He does too.
Hey says
"Hello." I reply
" a their or something that just hijacked some goods Orr..?"

"Oh! No, not at all, I'm actually the-"
I hesitate.
"Theeee..what? He asks with anticipation.

"Uh, the castle maid! Heheh, work was just getting a bit to stressful for me." I chuck an awkward grin.

"Cool." He says as we continue to climb up the wall.

We finally reach the top.
"Wow, it looks so high from up here."

"Welp, ladies first." He says enthusiastically.

I look down at the big pile of leaves below me. There should be enough to break my fall there.

I sit down on the wall and slide off of it, landing perfectly into the pile of leaves.

"It's your turn now!" I shout to the boy.

He slides off the same way that I did and lands safely in his pile of leaves.

"Welp, I guess we go separate ways now." He says.

He pulls out a map from his pockets and scans it and starts to walk off.

"W-wait!" I yell after him.
"Hm?" He grunts.
"U-uh..this may sound weird but..I kinda don't like being alone, especially without a map, sooo do you mind if I travel with you for now..?"
I get flustered. Asking a boy this seemed really nerve wracking for some reason.

"Hmm, sure! Do you have any money though?"he asks me.

"Yep! In my bag!" i answer cheerfully

"Great. Let's get going then!"

We walk into the distance, following the map's directions towards someplace called foxburn village.

This was the start of our journey.

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