The beginning pt 3

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"Zz. .ungh...wha- what time is it..?"
You slowly sit up in your bed whilst wiping drool off of your mouth.
"Geez, I must've dreampt about my favourite food or something."

You stretch your back and bring uour hands up above your head, this usually helps you feel more awake.
Then suddenly, it hit you. All the memories from yesterday, all of what you heard, leaking back into your mind at once, like an uncontrollably leaking, annoying broken tap. You sigh and place your hands on your lap and sink your head down into them.. you suddenly remember the 3 options you had, Either escape and be free, stay and be imprisoned and forced to have a stranger's children, or try to convince father to not continue with the wedding... Maybe you'd try option 2 first, it seems reasonable enough..

Knock Knock
"Goodmorning princess, may I ask what you would like for breakfast?"

Your deep thinking was suddenly interrupted by a few knocks and the voice of one of your maids.
"O-oh! What I had yesterday I guess"
You had absolutely no memory of what you had yesterday, but your brain couldn't seem to think of anything other than what you were going to do about the current situation you are in.

"Of course! coming right up, pancakes and orange juice, right?"

"Y-yeah, thank you very much."

You heard the maid's  footsteps grow quieter and quieter before you decide to plan out how you are going to persuade your father to not have you marry this man.

1. Walk down the stairs to the breakfast table in an un-ladylike manner, and walk like someone with no etiquette would.

2. Tell your father that your just not suited for marriage

3. Eat breakfast without using cutlery

4. Your father gets embarrassed and doesn't force you to marry the man.

A perfect and totally not dumb at all Idea!
Knock knock
"Miss, your breakfast is ready! Come meet at the table with your father he wants to see you!"


"Huh.this is probably going to be hard to look him in the eyes after what I heard him say.."

You hastily get dressed into a ruffled dress, brush your hair and make your way to the stairs, you take a quick look and see that your dad is chatting with the father of the prince.
Ok, now time to begin.

You walk down the stairs , arched back , hands by your sides, shoulders arched and legs bent. If the prince's father saw you now, he'd instantly want to cancel the engagement, he wouldn't want his son to marry someone who walks like a bridge troll, right?

You walk like this all the way to the table, and take a seat directly
2 seats away from your father.

"Oh. Hello there Eve." Says your father.
"Salutations, helper of birth giver."
Your Father stared at you with a weird look, then fixed his eyes on the man with ack hair infront of him.
"ah, this is my daughter, Eve, 6our sons future wife"

"Uhm actually about that-"

Before you could finish,  the man's head jolted up and stared into your soul, a shiver ran down your spine, his eyes said it all, his face was talking to you, saying 'don't you dare finish that sentence, or I'll make sure you regret it with every inch in your damn body."

About 10 shivers ran down your spine
"Good morning." He said on an extremely cold voice, so cold that you could almost feel it somehow. You decided to evacuate your plan and just eat your breakfast, this was not worth risking. You just had a feeling that he wouldn't like it if you even had the slightest intention not to marry his son.

You eat breakfast in silence.

EVE'S pov:
Once I had finished my breakfast, I quietly excused myself and headed back to my chambers.

As soon as I got there, I sat down on my bed.
"Maybe I should ask father  a different time..  maybe when he's not with that man?..he scares me."

I leap up from my bed and head out of my chambers. Maybe going to the library and reading for a while will help.

I start heading to the library, feeling somewhat glum.
I open the door and was greeted with a wonderful atmosphere and a beaming face.
"Hello Princess! Here to read?"
It was the castle librarian, fynx.
"Good to know, good to know."
I start walking towards a shelf.

"Oh! That's right, I almost forgot! Your wedding is tommorow!"

"Yep! Hehe I just remembered  your father was talking to me about it earlier!"

Oh shoot.I almost forgot something important again.
"Uhmm, on second thought! I gotta go!"
"Welp, nice Lil chat we had there! Cya!"

I push open the library doors.
"Shit shit shut shit shit shit shit shit shit!!" I mumble to myself.
There's no use waiting for that wicked looking man to leave, I don't have all day, do I?
Luckily, the library is right near the flight of stairs I need to take to get to the dining area.

I rush down the stairs. "Daaad!!! Daaad!!!"


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