XII. It's not that easy

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You know what would be wild? If I actually continued this. Well, Guess who rewatched the war arc recently.

Obito stood still at the entrance of the small cave, watching the reunion with mixed feelings. His arms were crossed over his chest, his eye focused on the scene in front of him.

How naive.

Sasuke betrayed them once. There was nothing standing in his way of doing it again. And yet, they all just welcomed him back, just like that.
He believed that Minato's kid could be that dense. Although packed with a bunch less braincells than the Yondaime, he definitely shared his weird unwavering belief in other humans.
The girl should be more questioning. She offed Sasori after all. That meant that she must have a good head on her shoulders. She was also a medic-nin. Medics couldn't allow themselves to be anything but utterly paranoid. Especially of former comrades.

But what really made Obito's stomach turn was Kakashi squatting in front of the brat, his head in his hair as if he was one of his thousand dogs. He suddenly didn't look as haggard or haunted as before and the elder Uchiha wished that he knew if it was a facade he put on for his stupid students or if Sasuke's presence was already enough to rend the infamous Copy-Nin utterly useless.
Sasuke was looking at Kakashi, his black eyes wide, one of his eyes slightly bleeding from using the Amaterasu for burning Obito's fucking arm off.

„There's so much wrong with Konoha no Satou.", Kakashi's voice said, gently. As if he was talking to Obito's ghost at the memorial stone. His gloved hand was slowly running through Sasuke's raven hair.

„There's so much suffering that was caused by power structures long needing abolishment. You're right about that. But if you just all burn it to the ground, if you destroy it without leaving a trace, then history will just repeat itself. It will all just happen again in two, maybe three generations. You want to bring change, right?"

Obito saw all of the kids nod. Sasuke bing the most hesitant of them all.

„Then change it from within. If there's anyone who can. It'd be you three. Together."

Kakashi stood up again. Took a bit of distance. They caught each other's eyes for a moment before Kakashi settled back near his crate.

„Yeah, Sasuke! What do ya say?!", Naruto boomed, his presence and especially his voice filling up the entire cave suddenly, diverting Obito's attention to the kids sitting on the floor.

Naruto had shifted, not sitting next to Sasuke but in front of him, one hand still gripping him tight, beaming at the younger Uchiha.

It made Obito terribly uncomfortable if he had to be honest.
He looked so much like his parents. He sounded so much like his parents. His voice full of compassion, his eyes full of kindness.

It had to be done. Minato and Kushina were collateral standing in his way of humanity's salvation.

It had to be done.

„Come back to the village with us, Sasuke! We will tell everyone what really happened, make sure it never happens again. Kakashi-sensei is right! We can fix this, together!", Naruto continued.

Obito looked back at Sasuke, at the way he looked at Naruto, then at the ground.

„Help me up, dobe.", he muttered after a few more moments of utter silence. 

Both Naruto and Sakura sprung into action at that, Naruto stood up, took the Uchiha's hands and tugged. Sakura supported Sasuke's side the second he was horizontal with a bit too much force apparently, since the raven-haired boy let out a little groan before he muttered that Sakura sure got stronger compared to last time they saw each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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