IX lifted fog

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"Is this a dagger which I see before me?" - Macbeth


"Aaand here we are!". Tobi exclaimed in his high-pitch persona as he came to halt in front of the small cave he had brought Sasuke into.

 Being Tobi was easy. Being Tobi meant that this guy behind him wasn't his soulmate who had killed the person most important to him. Being Tobi meant dumb chatter with Deidara, thinking the world is an odd but interesting place, helping with a plan he doesn't bother understand and laughing loudly about jokes that only Tobi found funny.
Being Tobi was a lot easier than being Obito and perhaps that was the reason that even though, Obito didn't quite want to switch back into his Akatsuki persona, it happened regardless.
Perhaps a way for his subconsciousness to cope with the fact that both Naruto and Kakashi were literally right with him and he didn't want to kill either of them, despite Madara's and Zetsu's voices that were constantly ringing quietly in his brain.

"Get the Kyuubi.", Zetsu hissed only for him to hear, sending shivers down his spine.

"What is a life worth that doesn't have Rin in it?", Madara sneered, an echo that seemed to crash over him from every side, ringing in his ears.

Tobi ignored this, just like the sudden stab he felt in his chest area as he did and made an extravagant flail with his arms to motion to the open cave.

"He's really in there.", Kakashi said, disbelieving after smelling the air. He looked at the pink girl who nodded with a serious expression before they went inside first. Naruto followed them both, looking tense. He left a few steps between himself and his teammates.

Tobi followed after him.

"Kill him.", Zetsu urged in his brain and Tobi closed his eyes behind his orange mask to shove that annoying bastard away. His step didn't falter.
This was odd though.

Madara and Zetsu have had been quiet in his brain for so long, he didn't understand why they'd resurface now. It was annoying.

"Sasuke-kun!", he heard a bit farther ahead and that seemed to rip Naruto out of his cathartic state, as he flinched and sped up after his teammate. 

When Tobi arrived in the slightly bigger room in which he had left Sasuke in, he was still not conscious. Sakura and Naruto crowded around him, the medic-nin already using her healing chakra. Kakashi stood a bit farter off, near the crate where Obito had sat to wait for the brat to wake up. 

He made eye-contact with Tobi immediately and it made him a bit uncomfortable but he decided to not react and instead to just stare at the mismatched eyes of the Hatake with his singular one.

That was his eye once, Tobi mused. It was a weird thought.

"Like a red string of fate", Obito mused in his head, suddenly feeling much much clearer and present than just seconds before. He looked downwards, breaking eye-contact.

It felt like a spell had been lifed off of him, as Tobis persona that he had used as a party trick first, then as a mask and just now as a way of escapism was suddenly washed away to bring Obito up at the front.

His eye widened in surprise and he touched his head absentmindedly. 

When he looked up again, Kakashi was still looking at him with both of his eyes. Nothing changed except-

The Sharingan.

The three Tomoes in Kakashi's Sharingan were spinning.

Then The silver-haired shinobi blinked and turned away, gaze focused on his students.

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