X. Eyes that Cannot See

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Kakashi's eyes were fixed on Sakura, as she barked out orders at Naruto with unwavering confidence as she healed the boy she used to not being able to look at without turning bright red. She had come so far. Not only as a Shinobi but as a person too. 

Kakashi once again felt a small wave of guilt washing over him for never being able to give her the attention she deserved. No wonder all of them had left to study under the sannin. They all had potential that Kakashi just wasn't fit to bring out.
Kakashi should have never been in charge of children anyways if he was totally honest. He figured the only reason Tenzou hadn't become more fucked-up after being stationed as his Kohai is that Danzou is one of the few who should not even be allowed to be near children, ever.

The Hatake watched Naruto form a shadow clone that was given orders to bring water, before he hurried out of the cave. The orange as a color still struck him as odd, but it really did fit him, the knucklehead-ninja. Just like it did the person that the Clone was running past to exit the cave.
Obito remained still, standing on the opposite side of him, at the exit, but not blocking it. His mask still in place, one Sharingan activated, the only one he still had. 
A mild notion popped up in Kakashi's thoughts that it would be best if Obito would just rip Kakashi's left eye out of his socket. It had been a parting gift after all.

Yet here they were, both alive. 

Kakashi was happy for that, he really was but he also felt betrayed and angry and if he'd tell him that he'd knew who Tobi really was, Obito would probably catch on that he was Kakashi's soulmate, which he could use as a tactical advantage if he chose to attack them. Plus, he didn't feel comfortable with dragging his students into his messes. They all had to suffer too much because of his failings already.

He looked back at Sakura, who now seemed a lot more frustrated than before. She kneeled next to Sasuke's head. Sweat was rolling down her face and she seemed slightly pale, probably from all the drain of both the mission and Sasuke's stabilization.
She did a series of hand-signs and her hands flashed green from her healing chakra, but it flickered, the control seeping from her hands.
A muttered curse escaped the kunoichi, and she did it again, failed again and lowered her hands, shook them out as if that would help.
Kakashi couldn't see Naruto's expression but he must have looked worried because Sakura told him off, the second she saw it.

Kakashi noticed her hands were shaking.

"Sakura.", he said and the girl looked up, frustration and desperation visible in her big, green eyes. "If it's the amount of chakra you are lacking to perform the Jutsu, do the Serpent sign, first, hold it for a few seconds, before attempting it. If you can't focus on the control, do the tiger sign and close your eyes.", He advised. Sakura was a smart girl, that couldn't deal well with not having an answer to a problem. If she knew the solution, she could fix it. 

"Just like when we learned to climb the trees!", Naruto chirped, who had also turned to look at their former teacher. 

"Exactly, you used the Tiger sign to concentrate on your chakra stream and then focus on its flow.", Kakashi nodded at the blonde approvingly. The blonde grinned at the praise and opened his mouth again but Kakashi put a finger over his masked lips, in order to ask the Uzumaki to be quiet. Sakura needed to focus. 

She folded her hands into the serpent sign, then raised to fingers up to hold the tiger sign to stabilize the newly collected chakra, before she tried the Jutsu again, making the signs slower and more precise than previously, concentrating on the Chakra in her body.

She opened her eyes to look at her hands' continuous green glow. Her eyebrows shot up and she gave Kakashi a small smile before she focused back on Sasuke's eyes.
"Naruto, on my command, you have to open his eyes for me.", she says, resolve back up.
"You got it, Sakura-chan!", the blonde's voice carried the usual smile as he kneeled on Sasuke's other side, ready for her command.

Kakashi leaned back against the crate a bit more, some of the tension seeping out of him. He glanced at Obito, who hasn't moved an inch except that his posture seemed tenser than before. He wondered why that was. Something inside of him wanted to reach out to him, ease the tension. But he knew that Kakashi must have been the last person that he would like close right now. The logical part of his brain also told him to stay the fuck away, Obito was goddamn terrorist now.

Whatever has happened to the boy that used to have fire in his eyes, a heart of gold and love to give to everyone around him, he was dead. Maybe buried under the rocks they had left him under or with a Chidori-shaped hole through his heart like Rin.
This wasn't Obito, he knew. But what frustrated Kakashi even more, was that there was a big part of him, that didn't care. 

"He's waking up! He's waking up!", Naruto cheered all of the sudden, right before Kakashi was able to hear a groan that belonged to a voice that he hadn't heard in years.


"Sasuke-kun! Don't get up! You are barely stable.", Sakura cried out, pressed into his shoulders to make the raven-haired boy remain on his mat.

"Sakura...What...what the hell are you guys doing here..?", he rasped out, voice broken due to disuse. For a moment Kakashi could pretend that everything could be back to normal. 

"They saved you, Sasuke.", Obito said in a voice that doesn't sound like the shrilling Tobi or a deep rumbling before lightning. It sounded like a boy he used to know, who's frustrated that he doesn't want to listen to Rin's medical advice. He sounds like familiarity and in a way, it soothed and scared the Hatake at the same time. "They saved you, just like Itachi did."

"You have no idea what you're talking about!",Sasuke shot up, despite Sakura's hold but had to grasp at Naruto's shoulder to keep himself upright. Naruto automatically reached out to steady him.

"Unfortunately. I do. And now that you're conscious, you will shut up and listen, because you need to hear this.", Obito said and Kakashi's stomach dropped.

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