II. Heal what has been hurt

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"I am fortune's fool"  - Romeo Montague


Kakashi knew that he couldn't be Obito's soulmate for one simple if heart-wrenching reason.

Kakashi had killed Obito's soulmate already.

He had never quite forgotten the panic he had felt followed by the deep disappointment in his heart when Obito had told him that Rin was the reason he could see the sky.

They had never really gotten to the topic of soulmates before, so when they finally did discuss it, while they had to keep watch during a mission, Kakashi had tried to muster up all the bravery he could possibly call upon.

Kakashi had been twelve at that time and they had been on an easy mission, without any big complications.


"Obito.", Kakashi had said, quietly hushing as if he didn't know that Rin was too deep asleep to hear him no matter at what volume he spoke.

"What is it, Bakashi?", the black-haired boy had replied in the same hushed whisper and turned to the smaller Chu-Nin. Kakashi mustered his bright orange goggles and the soft gleam to his skin created by the fire and thought, once again that orange really did suit Obito. He took a second to reply, inhaling deeply, as if to summon back the bravery that had fled him the second the Uchiha had turned around to face him.

"Uhm, what do you think of soulmates?", he asked not able to meet the other boy's gaze anymore.
Obito spluttered.

"Soulmates?! Why are you asking?", the boy asked, suddenly interested but not in a loud and booming voice, but curiously hushing all of the sudden. Which was unexpected, Kakashi had to admit, but not unappreciated.

"Mah, just cause. Have you found yours already?", The Hatake boy deflected, now looking up at the taller boy again with two curious black eyes.

"Ah, well. Yes, actually.", the boy admitted and a bright blush crept up his face. Cute, Kakashi found himself thinking and perhaps even blushing a bit himself.

That blush had fled his face however when he noticed that Obito's gaze has shifted and that he was looking intently at Rin with a dreamy look on his face.
If Kakashi didn't know better Obito could be drooling.
It had felt like something shattered in Kakashi's heart and a lump built in his throat. No, it couldn't be!

"It's Rin? She's your soulmate?", he had asked, trying to use the curious tone to hide his deep disappointment as he turned his head as well, watching the sleeping Rin, who had turned her back towards them but was breathing calmly and steadily. Kakashi refused to look at Obito as he studied his sleeping teammate.
"Yeah, the bond didn't form for a really long time though, but that made it so much better.", Kakashi could hear the grin in Obito's words and his heart sunk a little lower as his eyes started to burn.
"Rin, you know,", he said dreamily before losing himself in his excitement, "She showed me the sky! I had never seen blue before! I was so blown away! Can you see blue, Bakashi?"

Kakashi managed a faint nod.
"Ahh, you're so lucky to always be able to see it! The sea too! Both look so pure and calm!"
Kakashi could hear Obito shifting, probably shifting his weight, sprawling his legs - a childish gesture that Kakashi would have found both obnoxious but also endearing. 

But he refused to look. 

Because if he was, he would have to look at Obito's orange goggles again and he wasn't sure if he would have been able to hold in the tears in then. It was stupid that he was getting this worked up about this. Shinobi didn't cry! They didn't show feelings! But he just couldn't help it! Which made him even more upset.

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