V. Save What Has Been Lost

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"When you depart from me, sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave." -Leonato


Nohara Rin was a bright young girl. She wasn't a genius like Kakashi or part of a powerful clan like Obito but she had a lot of qualities that both her rather thick-headed teammates seemed to lack. She was very good at reading between the lines and had incredible chakra control that was ideal for her preference in medical Jutsu and fuinjutsu.
She always had a sense of what is appropriate and what isn't in situations, having a very sensible feeling for tact.

So during her time in the academy, she knew that she should not ask her teacher what it meant what she saw.  She approached him after the lesson that he held about Soulmates and how they should be treated in the Shinobi World. She had waited for Obito to leave for the training outside, so she could have a word with her teacher alone.
Hitoshi-sensei was always kind and patient and open for questions, so Rin took a deep breath after collecting her books and approached her teacher.
"Hitoshi-sensei, I have a question about what you explained today.", she said, rushing a little through the question due to her nervousness.
The Chu-Nin looked up from his materials, then down towards the brunette child that looked at him with bright hazel eyes, who was in no way older than nine.
"Rin. What can I do for you?", he asked in a kind voice sensing how nervous the child seemed to be. It was probably about the lecture on soulmates. sometimes children were already able to see the entire color spectrum due to the fact that they have already found the person their string of fate was bound to. In his earlier grade, Hitoshi had someone like that.

"I have a question about what you said today.", Rin said again, even more nervous than before but still able to stand her ground.
"You said that you are usually able to see all the colors except for one if you haven't found your soulmate and become friends with him or her, right?"

"Yes, exactly Rin. Do you see anything else?", Hitoshi asked, patiently and had to smile a little when Rin spluttered and held her hands up saying "No, no! I was just wondering!"

"Rin, everyone is different. If you see something else that's totally fine and you don't have to tell me. But you seem upset so I want to know what has gotten you so troubled.", he tried to encourage her, if he could easily resolve her worries on that matter, it wouldn't occupy her thoughts anymore.

"Oh, well... Sensei the thing is...", Rin started again and looked sheepishly to her feet, "I am not sure if I would be able to see my soulmate's color, I don't think anything is missing from my sight." 

"Hm, wait a second, we can easily check this. I have a sheet with some colors on it and you can just tell me, what color it is, sounds good?", Hitoshi asked to which Rin nodded thankfully.

Hitoshi-sensei opened one of his teaching books and inside were the primary color of the color spectrum. In round dots scattered over the pages. He pointed at one.

"Which color is this, Rin?"

"Blue!", Rin answered and Hitoshi-sensei frowned a bit and pointed to the next one.
"That's yellow!",Rin said easily and her sensei pointed to another dot.
"Hmmm...Orange?" It looked like Obito's glasses! Hitoshi-sensei pointed to the next one.
"Red!" She hummed, proud to prove her sensei that she could indeed see all the colors. When she saw her favorite one, she pointed to it before her teacher was able to move on.

"And that's purple! Purple, like my markings!", she said and Hitoshi bit the inside of her mouth when Rin pointed to a dark green round dot on the Paper.

Rin was colorblind.


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