VII. Healing Incantation

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'Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind'


Obito looked at Sasuke's calm face, swallow breaths the only indication that there was still life in the youngest Uchiha. He frowned under the mask. He should have woken up by now. It has been over a day. Now that might not seem as much, especially considering the physical and mental strain the whole event must have had on Sasuke but for an Uchiha, being old cold for over a day was excruciatingly long.

Obito hated to admit, but he was worried. 

He knew he didn't necessarily need Sasuke for his plan, knew that he would be nothing but a practical helping hand in the grand scheme of things if he would play him properly.

But the childish boy inside of him seemed to be creeping through the cracks of his facade more and more to an extent that he was, in a deep corner of his mind, actually concerned about the Uchiha Boy.

Now Obito had never been a big fan of the Uchiha's. The Kekkei Genkai he was gifted with was great but most of the people he had to put up with back then? Arrogant bastards most of them.

Itachi hadn't been like that. He had babysat him, back when he was still in Konoha, a bright and curious boy with so much kindness in his heart that every interaction with him had used to make Obito's day a bit brighter.
Itachi had been proof that he wasn't the only "soft" Uchiha. And despite the intensity and cold determination, Obito saw in Sasuke, he knew that this coldness was nothing but an armor to hide his true self.

Obito felt like he had seen that somewhere before. During the Kannabi Mission, Obito had realized that all that stoic arrogance of Kakashi's was just the attempt of a child to not let anyone in too close.

In a weird way, it suddenly made sense that Kakashi taught the brat the Chidori.

But the brat wasn't waking up and dread managed to slowly creep its way through Obito.

He hadn't felt this much in over a decade. It started to get annoying. He missed the numbness that life used to carry until literally two days ago. Until the clearing and Kakashi's pitiful face.


If he had any luck they were still traveling. Kakashi and his other brats. One of them was a Medic, Sakura, if he remembered correctly. He was sure he could find him with his Kamui quickly enough. The boy needed medical attention and a proper look at his eyes. Uchiha's had the annoying habit of becoming blind and Itachi had been a prime example of that, he had been on death's door when he faced his younger brother. 
Obito had brought Itachi's corpse to a secluded area of the cave and sealed it, to slow the decaying process. 

Maybe these eyes would come in handy one day. 

When he did it, a part of him hurt, seeing that he had died with a content smile on his face, like the Itachi he knew when he was young. It was like a needle pricking in a heart he didn't know he still possessed. 

Itachi had done all he could for his brother, Obito mused it would be disrespectful to, to let Sasuke die now.

That was the reason he created a Shadow Clone to stay with the boy while leaving the cave again in search of the Medic. The Medic who was coincidentally on Kakashi's team. 

He clutched a hand over his heart, while he ran through the forest. 

He really wished he could believe his own excuses.

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