I. Bring Back What Once Was Mine

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"My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart as white as yours" - Lady Macbeth


Kakashi stood still, paralyzed next to Tenzou.

The figure in the Akatsuki cloak in front of them obnoxiously flailing around while dodging Naruto, Sakura and Sai's attacks.

His visible eye widened. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, all of his attention caught up by the figure a few feet away from him that didn't even bother to acknowledge him.

Kakashi felt like a deer caught in headlights as he watched this person dodge Tenzou's Makuton and Sakura's vicious blows as if it was nothing but a play to him. He phased through attacks when he couldn't be bothered to dodge them as if he was just showing them all neat party tricks.

Tobi, he had cheerfully introduced himself. Tobi, who wore a mask that covered all of his face except his right eye.

Tobi's mask was orange. He shifted his attention and was able to say, for the first time with the conviction that Naruto's Overall really was as hideous as Sasuke had moaned about since it was indeed bright orange as well. He hadn't seen orange in years, decades.

Not since Kannabi Bridge. Not since-

"GATSUGA!",Kiba yelled out and started his attack at the cloaked figure, ripping Kakashi away from his memories. Whoever this person was, now was not the time to dwell on it. He moved up his forehead protector to reveal his Sharingan.

He had to focus he had to help somehow, figure out where the bastard was phasing to when Sakura didn't hit her perfectly aimed punch.

But the orange of the goddamn mask was just too damn distracting. Naruto who flashed into his vision every few seconds didn't make it better either - it was a stimulation to his brain he wasn't used to and it was almost like the Sharingan made that feeling worse, with the pounding headache that had started slowly humming and building up in his skull as soon as they had entered the clearing.

What the hell was going on?!

He didn't need Hinata's Byakugan to figure out that, unlike the transportation Jutsu of his old Sensei, Tobi didn't vanish completely most of the time. Chunks of him just vanished out of existence whenever either of them tried to hit him.

The silver-haired man forced himself into motion when the Akatsuki member seemed distracted with Tenzuos wooden attacks.

He didn't have a plan, nothing concrete, he just had to get closer.

Meanwhile, Tobi had his fun appearing and disappearing literally everywhere seemingly just to annoy all of them.

Another thing Kakashi had noticed. He hadn't hurt any of them yet. All Tobi had done was dodging their attacks and the Jou-nin hated every damn second of it.

He steeled his resolve and approached the man from behind only to be not spared a glance and not even given an opportunity to attack since the masked Akatsuki member disappeared faster than Kakashi could even properly comprehend with his Sharingan.

The pounding emitted from the Sharingan got worse and he had to refrain himself from covering the thing up with his hand or clutch it shut.

"Sasuke won.", a monotone voice suddenly said and all of their heads turned up to the figure that appeared behind Tobi that seemed to be half...plant?

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