III. Make the Clock reverse

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"By the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes" - First Witch


"Kakashi-sensei, are you alright?", he heard a hushed female voice, when he glimmered back into consciousness. 

When he opened his singular black eye, he found himself lying his back against a tree-trunk. 

Back at the campsite. But why? How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was closing his eyes in the woods, he hadn't even noticed that he had fallen asleep. 

And Hinata Hyuuga looked him, the only one awake between a snoring Kiba and an utterly silent Shino. When Kakashi looked around he found that everyone else was asleep too. Sakura, Naruto, Sai even Tenzou, who snoozed away quietly in a similar position Kakashi has woken up in, upper body against a tree trunk, as if he had just dimmed away during his watch.

Kakashi focused his gaze on Tenzou for a moment longer. As an ANBU under his command, Kakashi knew that if the younger one committed himself to stay awake for the night to keep watch, he would do so, despite any form of injury he had endured during a mission. His sleeping position was off too. Tenzou tended to curl up on grass or earth, he hated to sleep with his back pressed against anything.

This was definitely odd. His headache was gone too.

"Kakashi-sensei?", He heard Hinata again and he only now shifted his attention back to the Hyuuga princess.
"Hinata, what's the matter? Did I do something to wake you?", he asked and tilted his head.

Kakashi could see that the question made the young woman shift consciously. Kurenai had always told him about how shy Hinata still was if she wasn't with Shino or Kiba. 

"Uhm well,", she started, "I think I sensed a disruption just a bit ago and it woke me up. When I used my Byakugan to check, I noticed that both yours and Yamato-sensei's chakra wasn't flowing naturally. Sometimes shinobi use sleeping aids to help them rest up during breaks and, well, Yamato-sensei's chakra seemed to resemble the same pattern. With you, however, I didn't know, so I wanted to check. I- I am sorry if it isn't my place to ask, Sensei!", she said and with the way she blushed, embarrassed that she might have done something wrong, Kakashi was wondering how both of her teammates peacefully slept through the commotion without so much as a twitch.

Kakashi did his best to smile at the young Kunoichi and ease her worry that way. "I am proud of you, that you noticed, Hinata. Your sensibility for detecting chakra disruption has increased immensely.", he said because young, aspiring kids needed praise sometimes, right?

When Hinata smiled shyly and mumbled a quiet but very appreciative "thank you", he continued

"And to ease your worries, everything is fine. Ten- ah, Yamato always has had trouble sleeping for as long as I've known him, so he sometimes takes a sleeping aid if he can't be helped.", he explained as if any of it had been true before he decided to use some honesty for his own explanation. "For me, I can only say that my Sharingan doesn't much agree with my Chakra sometimes, so it comes to slight disturbances every now and again but I barely feel it. If it gets any worse, Sakura can fix it with a simple Jutsu."

"Oh, I understand. Thank you for explaining and, ehm, easing my worries, Kakashi-sensei."
she said smiling at him and as far as Kakashi was able to tell, she genuinely seemed relieved as she nestled back into Kiba and Shino as if she was a Puzzle piece that went back into its destined place. 

"No Problem, Hinata. Rest well."

He got a quiet hum in response. The young Hyuuga closed her eyes and Kakashi could tell that it only took her a few minutes to drift back into sleep.

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