Chapter 7 - New Nickname.

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Dedicated to kevin cuz hes a nurd.

Abigail P.O.V

         Why can't school be over??? I thought to myself as I watched the clock. 5 more minutes....5 more minutes and I'm free from this hell hole. I thought. My mind drifted back to the note. people actually wanted to hang out with me....of all people. It's odd...back at my old school I was an outcast. No one would even talk to me, let alone hang out with me, but now, on my first day, I've already made a bunch of friends and have people wanting to hang out with was nice really.

         I was snapped from my thoughts by the bell. I jumped up, grabbed my bag, and darted for the door. My grip on my bag tightened as I ran down the hall, stealthily dodging everyone in my way, before coming to a halt right in front of my locker. I entered the code, repeating it in my head as I entered it. 3-21-13. The locker door swung open and I quickly put away my books.

        Before I knew it someone had come up behind me and started tickling my sides. oh god someone found out where I'm ticklish at I thought as i squeaked and turned around, only to be greeted by that familiar pair or blue eyes. "Well someone's ticklish." He said, chuckling softly, causing my cheeks to grow red. "No I'm not! Shut up!" I said to him. A smirk spread across his lips as he tickled me again. I squeaked again and collapsed to the floor to keep him from tickling me anymore.

         I could feel his eyes burning into my skin as the sound of his laugh filled the room. "looks like som-" I stopped him before he could say anything else. "Shush you butt face!" I said, standing up. He just laughed more. "Oh fine." He said, sticking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled, grabbing my backpack and shutting my locker.

       "Come on Abii, Alex, Liz and Andy are waiting outside!" Thomas said. Abii....did he just call me Abii?i thought, smiling a little. I actually kinda like's the first nickname I've had that doesn't have "freak" in it. I was snapped from my thoughts by Thomas waving his hand in front of my face. "Helloooo??? anyone home????" He said, laughing. I giggled and started walking towards the exit, Thomas following behind.

        Not even a second after we walked outside, Liz had talked us to the ground. "Liz, calm yourself, you're acting like a puppy who's owner just came home!" I heard Andy say, causing us all to burst into laughter. Liz smiled and hopped off of us. "Well gosh, sorry for missing them!" She said, sticking her tongue out at Andy, who in turn tried to bite it.

         "Well come on guys, we need to get to Abii's place so her dad doesn't think we kidnapped her." Thomas said, helping me up. We all started laughing again as we began walking to my place.

To be continued...

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