Arc 1: Chapter 3

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Two more parts left by the looks of things. To the five people that are reading this, I hope you enjoy it and I'm trying to make sure the ending will at least a little satisfying.

Chapter 3:

You woke up sore and stiff from falling asleep on the floor. In spite of your impression the conversation with Ddraig was still clear in your mind. His unwillingness to meet the devils had to come from somewhere. But where exactly, especially when taking into account the rather high regards he was holding his previous host? Was there something you hadn't been made aware of? If so then the devils holding you couldn't be relied upon to mention it…

"Ah. You're awake!" Akeno said, opening the door.

"Hello…" you replied, not sure about the time.

"Come quickly! We have to get you ready for your induction." the girl said, passing you and grabbing some clothes.

She proceeded to push you towards a different building. If not for her fortunate timing you might've complained audibly at her behaviour… Not loud enough to be heard, but still. In the end you got to a similarly old building, entering a room with an air between office and living room. To the side was another door, at which Akeno stopped.

"Freshen up here. These are the clothes you'll be changing into." she explained, handing you a uniform and taking off.

While certainly a strange setup you couldn't deny the relief you were feeling. This was the best moment to just let go of thinking. Even if you ended up shedding tears the water would wash them away. Therefore, after getting undressed, you stepped in and scrubbed yourself clean before sitting there and just letting water run over you.

Much too soon however a sound interrupted you… It seemed to be… The door opening? Looking behind you saw Rias, fully naked already and looking at you with surprise on her face. Her body was… stunning. Walking the line between and erotic and regal beauty perfectly. It was hard not to stare, but at one point shame won out.

"I am so sorry!" you exclaimed, covering yourself up to the best of your ability, looking down and getting out, ignoring the fact she had been the one to walk in on you.

At the door you managed to properly wrap a towel around your waist. It wasn't helping though, since you wanted to just be swallowed up by the earth at the moment, trying to make yourself as small as possible as you walked towards another door to hopefully change into your new clothes. Unfortunately Akeno was still there and had noticed your walk of shame…

"Ara ara! I did not know the president would be here so early to discover my little plan… Do forgive me please." she said, wearing a suspicious smile.


You just nodded while moving by, taking note to not trust Akeno without someone else to confirm that her ideas were safe. Taking a moment to calm down you finished dressing up and sat down on the couch back in the main room. By that time the others were entering. Koneko unceremoniously plopped herself right next to you and Asia sat next to her. Xenovia was leaning against the dude of the couch and Kiba was standing nearer the back. Rias had returned, now in her usual uniform and Akeno was by her side.

3rd person

"Let's get straight to the point. In order to more quickly awaken your power we shall be turning you into a devil." Rias said, sitting at the desk.

Y/N froze for a second, thinking about the implications. The girl knew she was being a little pushy, but it would honestly be safest for the boy as well. She prepared to explain herself in more detail, however…

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