Arc 3: Prologue

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Act 3 Prologue - The past catches up

Yasaka POV

The search party had returned, reporting no sign of Kumara. It had been a few days, so the illusion magic should've dispersed, but the tracks had already been covered by the snowstorm and magic gave no sign of the girl either. This entire situation had been a major blunder on my part. I had been too unfocused in retrospect and forgotten to take into account the history between the girl and the devils… Being younger it made sense that she would find it harder to move over what had happened in heaven.

Then there was the issue even I didn't know about. I had since asked Rias to explain what the girl could've been talking about and her answers left a bitter taste behind, knowing that I had pushed for her to get along with the Gremory peerage, instead of letting the wound heal. The big question now was how I would be able to face Gabriel after this. For now all I could really do was intensity Patriots on the mountain and ask the devils and fallen angels to keep an eye out outside my domain.

“Mom…?” Kunou asked, probably seeing my expression.

“Don't worry sweetie. You couldn't have known this would happen. I'm sure Kumara is fine. She can take care of herself so she definitely didn't get lost or froze there.”

“But I was such a bad sister!!” Kunou said, starting to cry. “What will she say if she meets me again?!?!”

“Shhh… Shhh… I don't think she'll be mad at you. She has other people for that. Even if she doesn't look at you the same way you can only show your remorse and promise to make up for it.” I said. “The rest is up to her.”

We remained there for a while, looking over Kyoto and trying to comfort each other as best as possible. It was a shame that we had gotten to switch a point in the first place, but the matter had escaped our hands as soon as Kumara had disappeared.

3rd Person POV

Rias had asked her brother to contact heaven and ask them to try intensifying the search. She had accepted it might take a while, but now finding Y/N was likely the only way left to help Kumara and ease her suffering… Though this was a self-righteous way of putting it. Her hope to appease the girl, so that she and Y/N would listen to an apology. Looking back she realized she had been blinded by grief and sorrow.

Unfortunately that meant both her and Akeno had been out of it while visiting their new classrooms to interact with their colleagues. This time would have to be won back during the year. Right now there were other pressing matters to attend to. The crimson haired girl made her way to the magic circle of the house, expecting news about the challenge launched by a faction of the church, but instead being blindsided by the arrival of a miniature dragon figure. It was Tannin. As soon as the teleportation finished the dragon said:

“I'm here to ask for your assistance.”

“Of course. I'm assuming it's regarding the egg.”

“Indeed. My role is mainly for the sake of the dragons that come from the human world seeking peace… And there’s one in particular called Spectre Dragon which is a rare species. It recently laid eggs.”

“Spectre Dragon!? I heard that there were very few of them left.” Rias said, surprised.

“That’s right. That’s why the egg which has been laid provides a lot of hope. …However, the incubation and hatching of Spectre Dragon eggs is very difficult. In particular, the Underworld’s environment has a bad effect on the egg of a Spectre Dragon. If this goes on, the egg may decay before it is able to hatch.”

“I understand. Shall we move this upstairs?”

The devil and two dragons made their way to the lining room, where everyone else was going about their day. As soon as everyone was settled Tannin continued his request.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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