Arc 2 Finale

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Heaven in chaos! End of the road.

You were now in the strategy room located in the First Heaven at Akeno's request. Being surrounded by both the angels and devils present was probably safest. In the middle of the table a hologram showcased the situation in each level of Heaven. Dragons were rampaging from the second to the fourth levels, locked in a furious battle with the angel soldiers present.

“It appears the enemies have made their way in from Third Heaven which is the resting place of the souls!” one of the angels reported.

The image changed, showing a gigantic floating island from which the dragons were steadily emerging. A few figures stood out. A girl in a Gothic outfit, creating purple flame pillars, alongside a man who was mostly avoiding attacks in a bored fashion. Issei spoke up upon seeing everything.

“Just how on earth did Qlippoth intrude into Heaven……? They can’t just force their way in here 

"Most likely from the realm of the dead." a fallen angel replied through the hologram.

“Azazel, how is the situation over there?” Rias asked him.

"Not good. The entrance to Heaven has been shut down from this side as well. So we can’t send reinforcements."

"And we can't evacuate anyone either…" Akeno mutters, her eyes resting on you for a second.

“No. Right now the Seraphs are trying to figure out the cause of this but for the most they are concentrating on keeping down the influence this will cause on Seventh Heaven…… Likewise the whole elevator in Heaven has stopped functioning.” the woman who had brought you here initially, sister Griselda, explained.

“Sensei! By realm of the dead, you mean…”Issei asked

"If you were to enter Heaven then there will be very few ways. You would either go through the main gate like how you guys did, or you get accepted there as a follower of the Church after your death. And the other option is to go up there in another way." Azazel explained.

“Limbo and Purgatory!" Sister Griselda realised after hearing that.

"Yeah, they are different from Heaven and Hell. It’s the place where followers go after their death. Limbo and Purgatory were prepared for the deceased with special circumstances. …This is just my hypothesis but there is a chance that bastard Hades, who is the God of the realm of the dead, either knew or made an entrance to Limbo and Purgatory." Azazel concurred.

“Reporting! The door of Purgatory which leads to Third Heaven has been destroyed!” an angel said, barging in.

“…We received a report that Apophis, one of the legendary Evil Dragons that was most likely revived by the Holy Grail, had descended to the realm of the dead.” Sister Griselda added.

Rias puts her hand under her chin, realising Azazel's theory was most likely true.

“According to the legends Apophis is one of the Dragons who had strong relations with the realm of the dead and Hell. It wouldn’t be surprising for it to descend to the realm of the dead… but I do wonder if Hades will cooperate without any reward. He did an evil deed and had Onii-sama and Azazel warn him that “there won’t be another time” just recently…”

At this point you were losing track of the conversation, as events unknown to you were being referenced. So you decided to go to a corner of the room and tie Kumara to a pipe going from the ceiling to the floor. It was the first time you had done something like this, but it was necessary. She gave you a whimper in return and you kneeled to comfort her, before heading back to the meeting table, where the conversation had shifted from the motivation behind the attack to its target.

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