Arc 2 Chapter 4

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You woke up still holding the notebook you had received. A record of every ability of both Albion and Ddraig. They had given it to you in order to help you realise what was causing your manifestations yourself. That didn't mean they didn't expect a report, in case some symptoms hadn't been visible.

After an entire afternoon and half a night of reading you had identified six main abilities. Boost and transference, Penetrate and a special Fire breath from Ddraig, as well as Division and absorption, Reflect and Reduce from Albion. All of them together seemed to explain your bouts of fever, as well as the damage they caused to both the surroundings and yourself. All that was left was to go to your scheduled examination and see what the experts thought.

The mindscape was as chaotic as ever. Even with multiple attempts and help from a bunch of researchers the storm inside the place was continuing uninterrupted. You were dragged out of the hallucination by the one angel still accompanying you today and given a glass of water. In one long swig you drank it up, thanking him with a bow. After catching your breath you stood up and asked:

"Why is it that I feel fine physically with such a… thing inside me?"

"The powers are likely neutralising each other, meaning as long as you don't try to release one or the other you should be alright." the man explained. "It's a good thing you only had a fever when the red one and the white one interacted with you, but we can't expect that to be a rule."

"I see… and what might happen if I were to use that ability?"

"The process might vary based on what you would try, but based on whether your previous draconic physiology manifests or not you could either die or get sealed into a sacred gear."

"But I did manage to use the boosted gear once before."

"As long as your output remains low enough you might be able to withstand it. Your limit is something we'll find out later."

"I see… Thank you for today as well." you said, bowing and leaving. "I almost forgot, but this is what I was able to find out based on what you gave me." you added at the door, turning and putting a notebook on the nearest table.

You picked up Kumara, who was patiently waiting by your side, and began heading back to the sixth heaven, where you were currently being lodged, in what you assumed was both a strategic move and a sign of their generosity. It still felt weird being treated so well, it was also testament to how unusual human presence was in heaven. At least for those who were alive. All those thoughts were pushed to the side however, as you saw Gabriel waving at you from afar.

"How was today?" she asked, smiling.

"It went well." you replied, wanting to hide your anxiety regarding the new information you had found out. "How are the Christmas preparations going?"

"We were in touch with your friends and they seem to be enjoying the change of pace." Gabriel replied, getting a sour smoke from you. "Is there a problem?"

"No… I just wonder if I can call then my friends. They seem to be nice people, but they keep going on about how much they owe me." you replied. "I don't know what will happen when that debt is repaid. Though they are the only people I have left who know and worry about me."

"Devils value contracts. It's how they work. But I'm sure they care!" Gabriel explained, as chipper as ever. "Besides, what about everyone you've met here?"

"Thank you for that…" you replied, even though the first part hadn't eased your worries. "I will definitely remember my time here… even if I doubt it'll be much longer."

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