Arc 2 Chapter 3

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A trip to heaven

You woke up with Kumara still snuggled on your chest, but also a weird numbness in your right arm. Looking to the side to see what it was only led to your face being engulfed into a fleshy softness. You tried to move but heard a chuckle and were suddenly pulled deeper, despite tensing up. Kumara was also moving and you soon heard high pitched growls from the direction of your feet.

"So feisty! I don't mind a bit of struggling." the person said, revealing herself as Kuroka.

Relaxing was probably best in this situation, so you let yourself go limp, subtly signaling Kumara to get off the bed as well. From there you were weighing whether waiting to run out of air or try speaking was the better course of action. Fortunately your deliberation didn't have to continue much longer, as Akeno entered the fray.

"You do realise he asked you not to do that anymore…"

"Aw, come on!" Kuroka replied, finally freeing your head. "We could share him." she then said, tapping the bed. "I just wanted to enjoy the last night of him being so vulnerable."

"You can't be sure I'll unlock my aura today." you said.

"With Vali helping I'm sure you will."

"He's here?" Akeno asked.

"He was looking for Issei. I convinced him to stay and help with training." Kuroka said.

By now you were up and stretching in preparation for the day. Either this was going to end up like it had with Issei or you would make some real progress. Though part of you was afraid at the prospect of a Kuroka branded celebration of success. Still, you'd have to cross that bridge when and if you came to it.

For now you were dragged straight to the training room, without even having breakfast first. It seemed like you weren't the only ones though, as Koneko and Asia showed up, followed by the rather strange Vali Issei pair, though the latter was looking rather uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with him?" Kuroka asked, pointing towards Issei.

"I don't know?" Vali replied, shrugging. "Can we get started?"

"Why so eager?" Kuroka asked, moving closer to him. "It's not like there's much happening right now."

"The sooner I can get away from this the better." he said.

"You just gestured to all of her." you noticed, getting a nod from the boy, causing you to chuckle a little.

"Hey!" Kuroka said, jabbing you with an elbow.

You stumbled to the side a little before regaining your balance. Vali now had a pair of wings sticking out from his back and was tapping his leg impatiently as Kuroka started to explain her idea.

"The divine dividing has the ability to half power and add it to the user. It should feel more natural being hit by it. From there you can boost yourself back to normal or try replicating the effect."

"Divide!" a voice announced before you could ask for clarifications.

Unlike the last time you could feel yourself getting weaker. Your energy level was dropping and things were getting a bit blurry. Moving your hand felt like trying to lift a weight or moving through water. Unlike the previous attempt this definitely felt less unnatural. It gave you something to grasp at, trying to push against the weakness. Soon the draining feeling subsided, leaving you no feedback.

"Hit me again!"

"I don't think that's a good idea…" Kuroka said.

"I have an idea! Just keep it coming."

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