Arc 2 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The place looked like a normal hospital. Almost too normal, considering what you had been told. A research institute run by fallen angels sounded way more intriguing. To top it all off no one had even explained how fallen angels and devils were different.

However, with the rather mundane blood work and physical testing done you were taken to a rather nice office, where a man in a suit was waiting, holding a bundle of papers. Only Rias and Akeno were also with you.

This is indeed quite remarkable." the man said as soon as everyone was inside. "Nothing about the current results indicate that he's anything other than a human."

"That's impossible…" Rias said.

"We've also compared them with results from Issei and Vali and no similarities arise. That's why your observations might help. Including an explanation as to why Issei can't be here." the man said.

"Right… Akeno?"

"We found him in the care of the familiar master, meaning his change must've happened after a while, especially taking into account the damage at his containment site." Akeno said.

"He's also here and would appreciate some additional information regarding the reason behind this "containment", if at all possible." you sarcastically chimed in.

"It's a long story…" Rias said. "The reason itself is that you were giving off a dangerous aura."

"Right. Upon being addressed by Ddraig he developed a high fever." Akeno concluded her explanation.

"Is that the only remnant of his previous abilities…?" the man asked.

As the girls nodded and began conversing with the man further you began trying to put the pieces you knew of together. Firstly the newly discovered "dangerous aura" that had been mentioned and the fever were seemingly related, meaning your power had something to do with fire or heat. Secondly the comparison to Issei and the reaction to Ddraig, marking them as a trigger at the very least, if not a source. Lastly, taking into account the violent reactions and supposed resistance to magic Kuroka had mentioned made the amnesia seem more like a defense mechanism… Though with the current results that last thing could've been out…

"Y/N!!!" Rias shouted, stopping your analysis.

"I'm sorry. I was not thinking you would need me for a while…"

"There are three main options regarding unlocking your powers…" the man said.

"Exposing me to Ddraig, the method mentioned by Rias at one point and magic, as I seem to be fully human." you said. "I… I was just thinking about it as well. Though there's one question left…"

Everyone was looking at you rather surprised. A rather awkward silence had descended upon the room as a result, though that was soon interrupted by a cough from Akeno, which was unfortunately followed by another silence. This time you were the one to cut it short however.

"What about my memories in that case…? Is there something unfavorable in them, to make you avoid them?"

"You are correct about the options. They would be the quickest, but there's a great danger to all of them, since there has to be a reason behind your abrupt change." the man intervened.

"It does seem like a defense mechanism… it's honestly why I'm thinking it might be better to keep the lid on everything…"

Upon hearing this the man gave off a hearty laugh, causing you to jump a little due to the suddenness of it all… He got out of the chair and began walking, measuring you up as he closed the gap. You held his gaze, suddenly realizing the reality of the situation. A human surrounded by beings you likely couldn't even phantom holding up a candle to. They had been helpful and understanding so far, but at the end of the day, the current you couldn't tell why or how long it would last.

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