Arc 2: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

You woke up with the fox sleeping on your chest and carefully cradled it in your arms before moving to the door and pushing the doorknob down with your chin and coming out in a hallway. The door closed by itself. Looking behind you couldn't help but notice that it was blending in with the wall quite well.

For now you decided to walk around in an attempt to get a better feel of what kind of people apparently knew you. And it was a rather interesting experience. Endless hallways with doors you were too afraid to open, fearing they might be bedrooms, but also some open doors (if you could call them that) leading to extremely well stocked kitchens and lounges.

The place looked more like a hotel rather than a house, a feeling only punctuated by the cityscape that had replaced the wide forest you remember before. Down to what you assumed were multiple elevators. Assuming it wasn't the same one and you were going in circles.

Because you were definitely lost. The place was like a 3D maze, with stairways and corridors leading every which way and the lack of light making them all look the same. Thinking about it, the lack of motion controlled lights was strange… Perhaps a maintenance thing?

You couldn't help but go over the events the other day… Regardless of claiming to be your friends the girls seemed rather cautious around you and they hadn't even tried to tell you their names. But then again they had otherwise been hospitable.

The movements of the fox-like creature in your arms interrupted you. Squatting down you put the critter on the floor, watching as it circled around you before suddenly jumping on your back, causing you to yelp in surprise. Soon it settled on your head however, and you decided to leave it there as you quickly made your way to another place, in case anyone had heard you. However, you had been a beat too slow.

"My, my! Turns out you're quite a cutie underneath all the rags. Less scaly too." a feminine voice said from behind you.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to find the room they let me use…" you said before fully registering the words. "Wait?"

With your eyes somewhat adjusted to the dark you could see a young woman. Unfortunately other details were not visible, except for her surprisingly shiny eyes, glimmering through the darkness. Based on them you could discern that she was surprised.

"Oh my? You don't remember me?" the woman asked.

"I'm sorry… I don't remember a lot of things…" you replied, looking to the side.

*Not even your girlfriend?"

"Umm… why that initial surprise then?" you asked, more confused as opposed to embarrassed.

"Still quite the clever cookie…" the woman said, nibbling on your earlobe. "… even without your memories."

You stepped back, hearing a growl from atop your head at the same time. The mystery girl retreated, raising her hands in a theatrical manner as the lights came on. The girl from last night was behind you, dressing her voice rather loudly with what you could now see was an irritated expression. This did not help the situation much as the growling intensified. You grabbed the critter and stroked it a few times, calming it and yourself down.

"Now isn't a good time for this, Kuroka."

"Coming from the one who shouldn't be here right now?" Kuroka asked back, only managing to get the other girl even more worked up.

"Didn't Vali call you for training as well?" came the rather angry reply.

Feeling the weight of the argument on your shoulders you began retreating, in spite of the numerous questions popping up in your head. You could only get to the next corner before being called once more.

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