Arc 2: Prologue

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The darkness surrounding you was now cold and silent, the final voices fading in your mind. Moving into an upright position you took a break to figure out your body. Memories of countless juggernaut drive rampages filled your head, blurring your perception. Fortunately, after a few minutes you had all your appendages locked and felt grounded.

You got up, wrapping your wings around yourself as best as possible, and began walking through the darkness. You could feel the contradictory forces at work inside your body, cancelling each other out in a fragile equilibrium. As your concentration shifted inwards you found yourself in the now empty white void of the sacred gear. Feeling your human body you decided to push that sensation towards the surface while pulling the tumultuous storm of power around you inside.

A sharp pain in your knee brought you back to reality. Pain caused by the impact of your now normal skin with the rock floor. The only remaining draconic feature was a pair of red wings, which now had white patterns etched into them. You wrapped them around your cold body in an attempt to warm yourself up.

This was a bad situation. How long had you been asleep? Was there anyone left who knew of you out in the world? Waking up on your own meant either that a long enough time had passed for anyone who knew you to die or that your slumber had been rather short. Remembering Ddraig the latter seemed most plausible.

Reaching out a hand you touched a smooth wall. This entire cavern was likely the result of that burning aura you had been producing before the powers from the white one had fully manifested. The only question was whether any exit remained and it would be a hard question to answer with just the dim light of the sacred gear on your back. Still, with a bit of focus you closed your eyes remembering the first awakening of the sacred gear. When you opened them again the entire cavern was brighter, making it easy to see that the walls were entirely smooth, creating a dome worthy of the greatest craftsman.

Flinching due to a flash of pain you closed your eyes, letting them return to normal. This was going to be an interesting problem. In all of your previous memories strengthening the sacred gear was the goal, meaning that partial control had never been properly practiced by hosts on either side. Yet trying to get a hang of it was like a double edged blade, with the advantages being the ability to keep a low profile and the disadvantages stemming from the fact you were likely walking into a warzone.

Not that it mattered unless you could break out of the cave… Sitting back down in the center of the area you began thinking back on your previous existences. Many magicians were present, but unfortunately they were always rather strict about keeping their secrets. So the only options you could think of were being noticed or breaking out. Both of which started similarly…


3rd person POV

The skies of the underworld were much calmer as all out war had been avoided. However, even with the efforts of the Gremory group and the red dragon emperor having pushed back the old Satan faction and the Hero faction, the monsters awoken by Annihilation Maker were still at large and dangerous, even considering that the largest had been defeated.

"How much longer Buchou!?" Akeno asked, her lightning slowing down as she was nearing the end of her energy.

"Ise!?!" the crimson haired girl asked, struggling to keep the energy of destruction under control.

"It's ready!" the boy replied, causing Akeno, Xenovia, Kiba and Koneko to move aside and behind her.

"Transfer!" the balance breaker's gauntlet announced.

With that the energy of destruction grew several-fold, being released towards the giant beast and its spawn, beginning to consume them entirely before reaching a certain distance and beginning to dissipate.

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