Intermission 2

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Intermission - Where we ended up

3rd Person POV

The winter in Kyoto was a magical, if busy time. Among the tourists a beautiful woman was making her way up the mountain, turning heads both due to her sheer beauty and the creature she was holding, which looked like a small fox, sleeping peacefully. After going past a shrine, through a red gate the number of people thinned generously. At the next shrine an equally beautiful woman emerged to welcome her.

“Gabriel sama. We are honored by your presence.” the woman said, bowing.

“Yasaka chan, there's no need to be so formal. I'm just here because I want you to help with this little one.”

Her face turned to the fox in her arms, which now had nine visible tails. Yasaka looked at it as well, showing quite a bit of surprise. It was practically impossible for Kitsune with more than eight tails to appear from outside her bloodline. Yet the proof was right in front of her, whimpering lightly, as if hurt.

“It was brought into heaven by a young boy. I think you are better suited to help her.”

“What is wrong with her?”

“The boy she was accompanying, Y/N, isn't around anymore. She's only been waking up to eat for the last few days.”

“I see. It must be hard for her. Does she have a name?”

“It's Kumara. I'll be leaving her in your capable hands Yasaka-san. We're still looking for Y/N’s soul, but if we happen not to find it I hope you'll be able to give her a new home.”

“I will.” Yasaka replied.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries the two women parted ways, Yasaka now being the one holding the small kitsune in her arms. She moved to the floor and kneeled down, leaving the crowd lay on her lap. As she was about to try talking to it a voice interrupted her.

“Mother… who is that?”

“A friend asked me to take care of her, Kunou. Consider her a little sister.”

“Can she speak?” the girl asked, kneeling next to her mother.

“I don't think so. She's young and I don't know anything about her parents.”

The girl clung to her mother more tightly, promoting the woman to start stroking her hair. She could feel Kunou might get jealous so she put the now awake Kumara on the floor, hoisting her daughter in her arms instead.

“How about we go to your room? Unless you want her to stay with me.


Kunou then took the lead with the now somewhat attentive Kumara in her arms. A few minutes later they reached a different part of the shrine, where a simple room with a small bed stood, behind a screen door. Letting the small kitsune in Kunou sat on the bed, watching as the critter turned around a little, before laying down by the leg of the bed. The young girl, seeing this, crouched down and put Kumara on the mattress.

Yasaka smiled, ruffling her hair and closed the door behind her, as she started discussing what they could do with Kumara next.

Timeskip (3rd person POV)

Akeno glanced at the shrine with Y/N's image on it. The image was actually made using magic. Sadly enough they hadn't taken any pictures of him before or after Issei had been saved. So this was the best she was able to do. As she got out of the room she bumped into Rias, who looked at her and said:

“Are you ready for today?” Rias asked.

“Definitely. Let's go.” Akeno said, putting on a smile.

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