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Softly, Sesame Street played on the TV while Oliver danced to the theme song. Having better rhythm than Steve ever had as his tiny body moved to the beat. Not watching the show though as Oliver was busy playing pretend in the area designated to be his own little kitchen. A Chrismukkah present since he liked to mimic Steve as the twenty-seven weeks pregnant omega baked.

Currently, there were two dozen sugar cookies baking in the oven and Steve was using the dreidel cookie cutter on another batch, even though Hanukkah ended last week. Not that it made a difference since the decorations were still up. Steve liked having a mosh-posh of their holidays. Hoping that they could build their own traditions for their children.

Glancing over at the two and a half year old, Steve asked, "Whatcha bakin', bub?"


Steve sighed, clearly, he was still angry with him. Trying to coax him into talking more, he asked, "What kind of cookies?"


Of course. He would be making snickerdoodles. Rolling his eyes and wanting to facepalm, Steve realized all too well that Oliver got this from him. The stubbornness. The ability to hold a grudge until the end of time. Yup, that was all from Steve. Hopefully, this next one would be more like Bucky.

Saved by the bell, Bucky entered from the garage. Instantly coming up behind Steve, giving his mark a kiss before commenting, "Smells good."

"Don't you start," Steve warned, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Wasn't starting anything," Bucky held his hands up in surrender, even as his eyes traveled down Steve's body.

"Yeah, okay," Steve sarcastically agreed.

Before anything else could be said, Oliver ran into the kitchen, "Daddy!"

"Hey, squirt!" Bucky greeted, hefting the toddler into his arms where the pair immediately started scenting each other. Love flowing both ways through the bond as Steve fondly watched the pure scene.

Blowing a raspberry against Oliver's cheek, Bucky asked the giggling boy, "How was your day?"

Instantly, Oliver snapped his attention over to Steve. Which, of course, caused Bucky to look at his mate too. Quirking a brow at him, but Steve just focused even further on cutting out Hanukkah decorations shaped dough. Redirecting his attention to Oliver, Bucky bounced him on his hip as he asked, "Did papa let you and Big Bird have some cookies?"

"No, no Big Bird!"

Worry shot through the bond, going straight for Steve's stomach. Causing the twenty-seven week old baby to wiggle and kick. As Steve dropped his hand to soothe the little guy, Bucky asked Oliver, "What happened to Big Bird?"

"No Big Bird. No Elmo. He Cookie Monser now," Oliver defiantly corrected, soothing Bucky's concerns as amusement flowed from him.

"Cookie Monster?" Bucky chuckled, directing his grin at Steve.

Feigning annoyance, Steve deadpanned, "Here we go again."

"He eated all the doogles!" Oliver complained, crossing his arms and pouting.

Pushing out his own lower lip, Bucky agreed, "That wasn't very nice of him."

"Not nice," Oliver nodded. Pointing accusingly at Steve's protruding abdomen, "Cookie Monser!"

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now