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The shrill cry down the hall and the moisture leaving his nipples woke Steve up. Wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth, he reached over for his glasses. Bucky was starting to wake, and Steve reminded, "My turn."

Nodding, Bucky relaxed back in the bed. Nuzzling closer to Steve's side as Steve exited their bedroom. Yawning as he passed Oliver's room and headed for Finn's nursery at the end of the hallway. Tripping over Greg in the process and whispering a quick apology as she hissed at him.

Noticing that the door was cracked open, and the light was on, Steve peeked his head inside. There, Steve found Oliver standing on his Elmo bathroom stool, reaching over the crib railing to place his Squirt blanky beside his crying brother. Steve's chest clenched. Having been afraid that Oliver would hate having a sibling, it touched him and set him alight to know that he cared about his two month old brother.

"It's 'kay," Oliver assured, standing on his tiptoes to touch Finn's head, "No monsers here."

Biting back his grin, Steve stood there for a moment longer. Wanting to let his sons bond and have the kind of connection Bucky had with his sisters. Of course, he didn't wait too long since Finn was probably wet and hungry, and Steve hated hearing his little cries.

So, Steve entered the bedroom and asked, "Ya takin' care of cookie?"

"Uh huh," Oliver proudly confirmed, grinning at Steve.

Ruffling his short brown hair, Steve reached into the crib for Finn. Changing his diaper first, all while Oliver lingered, still fascinated with his brother. As Steve buttoned Finn's green hand-me-down footie pajamas, Oliver asked, "I be papa?"

Taking a seat in the rocking chair that had once sat in Oliver's nursery, Steve guided Finn's mouth to his nipple. Once the newborn latched, Steve told Oliver, "You can be anything you want to be, sweetie."

"Really?" Oliver asked, a little too excited for two in the morning.

Nodding, Steve brought the almost three year old closer. Allowing the toddler to climb onto the chair with him. As he settled his head on Steve's shoulder and held Finn's foot, Steve told him, "Really, really. You can be anything you want. Daddy and I just want you to be happy."

Seemingly happy with the answer, Oliver yawned and eased further into Steve's postpartum frame. Not that Steve minded. Simply rocking them as he softly hummed. Content in his little moment. Knowing that he needed to cherish every single one that he got because he knew all too well that it could be his last.

God forbid something happen, pu, pu, pu!

Noticing how Oliver was moving his little hand, mimicking marking of Finn, Steve leaned over to kiss the top of his head. Wondering what kind of energy he had put out into the world to attract such a good man and have such caring children. Wanting nothing more than this happiness for everyone.

"Papa?" Oliver yawned, tilting his head back so he could look up at Steve.

"What, baby?"

"You sing song?" Oliver asked. Usually, Bucky was the one who sang to the kids. But with those big steel-blue eyes looking up at him, he couldn't resist.

With a voice not meant for singing, and not remembering all the lyrics, Steve softly sang to his sons. Sonny & Cher had always been Sarah's favorite, so Steve sang the song that his mother always sang to him.

Taking Oliver's hand in his and soothingly stroking his baby-soft skin, Steve continued, "'Put your little hand in mine, there ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb. Babe. I got you, babe. I got you, babe.'"

Soon enough, Oliver's eyes were closed, and Finn was full. Maneuvering Finn as best he could without disturbing Oliver. Once he did, he expertly burped the newborn, amused with his past self that had been afraid to burp Oliver when he was this age. Shaking his head at himself and wondering how Bucky ever put up with him enough to marry him and have another baby with him.

Moving Oliver off his lap, Steve placed a sleeping Finn back in his crib. His heart aching seeing Oliver's blanky next to him. No matter how sweet the gesture was though, Steve took it from the crib before turning back around to pick up the almost three year old.

Heavier than he used to be, Steve huffed out a breath as he carried him back to his own room. Tucking him into his converted toddler bed, Steve made sure that the Elmo and Cookie Monster comforter was covering him and his Squirt lovey was close by.

Just sitting there on the side of the bed for a moment, Steve pushed his hair back. The same way that Sarah used to do to him. He was growing up so fast, and Steve could only hope that his best was good enough. Deciding that he should try to get some more sleep before Finn needed another feeding, Steve leaned down to kiss Oliver's forehead.

Finally returning to his room, he moved Greg from his spot to a clear spot by Bucky's feet, and climbed into bed. As easy as breathing, Bucky draped his arm around Steve's waist and pulled Steve's naturally petite frame into himself. Snuggling close as Steve set his glasses on the bedside table next to his other hearing aid.

Lacing their fingers together, Bucky kissed the back of Steve's neck. Laying there for a moment, Steve decided, "I wanna have another baby."

Lips still on the back of his neck, Bucky asked, "Right now?"

"No," Steve good-humoredly scoffed, smiling when he felt Bucky's lips tick up against his skin. Quietly, Steve clarified, "Eventually. When Finn is potty trained."

"What if that doesn't happen until he's six?" Bucky yawned.

Chuckling, Steve reasoned, "Okay, let's say we'll start trying after he turns one."

"Hmm," Bucky hummed, his lips vibrating against Steve's neck, causing goosebumps to raise. He debated, "Eighteen months."

Nodding, Steve agreed around a yawn, "Go team."

Kissing the back of his neck again, Bucky confirmed, "Go team."

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now