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From the moment George was released from the hospital a month ago, Steve had been compelled to research heart-healthy recipes. Pouring over desserts and trying to figure out which one George would like best and trying to figure out if the rest of the family would enjoy it too. Every Sunday since George's release, bringing a different treat. Of course, before he decided to bring something to their family day, he needed a test run. Having Bucky and Oliver taste test the different recipes since everything tasted heavenly to him and Cookie Monster. The thirty-five week old really living up to his name.

"What do you think?" Steve asked, pulling the spoon back from Bucky's mouth. Studying the alpha as he chewed the ooey-gooey bite of low-calorie Berry Crumble.

Swallowing, Bucky nodded, "It's good. I like it."

Rolling his eyes, Steve sighed in annoyance, "That's what you've said about everything."

"I can't help that everything you make is good," Bucky defended himself, taking another bite of the messy treat.

Only half-annoyed with his husband, Steve asked, "Okay, on a scale from Natasha's practically raw brownies that definitely shouldn't be eaten to Spouse Stealing Snickerdoodles, where would this be?"

"Ooh," Bucky thought. Really considered it as he took another bite. Tapping his chin with his index finger while he thought. "Up there with the pistachio cake roll."

Pleasantly surprised by that, Steve asked, "Really?"

Nodding, Bucky gathered another spoonful of the dessert. Since Bucky was enjoying it, Steve allowed himself another bite. It was, after all, a healthy recipe. And since both adults were standing around the island with spoons, Oliver wandered into the kitchen, pulling at Bucky's jeans.

"I try," Oliver insisted.

Lifting the toddler into his arms, Bucky settled him on his hip and gathered a tiny amount of the berry filling and the oat mixture topping. Even though it had been cooling for twenty minutes, Bucky still blew on the bite. Bringing it up to his own mouth first to touch it against his lip. When he decided that it was okay for the two year old, he brought the spoon up to Oliver's mouth.

As Oliver chewed the bite, Steve watched his expression just as he had studied Bucky's. Getting his looks from his daddy and his taste too. Steve was glad that his son wasn't a picky eater. Even happier when their son tried to take the spoon from Bucky so he could eat more of the test crumble.

"I take it, you like it," Steve good-humoredly scoffed.

Oliver eagerly nodded, "I wike it a lot!"

"Do you think gramps will like it?" Steve asked, truly invested in his son's opinion.

"Yeah," Oliver messily dug into the dessert, "He eat it all!"

"I don't know, bub," Bucky chuckled, "It seems like you're gonna eat it all."

Giggling, Oliver hurried to get another bite. Pleased with his guys loving the new recipe, Steve pinned it on his pinterest board and turned so he could get on making another batch for the rest of the family. After all, if Bucky and Oliver's reaction was anything, the rest of the family was bound to love it too.

"I help, papa," Oliver offered, looking up at him with those steel-blue eyes that always knocked down Steve's resolve. The two and a half year old getting that from Bucky too.

Feigning exasperation, Steve agreed, "I guess. But wash your hands first."

As Oliver rushed through the house to his bathroom, so he could easily wash up, Bucky pulled a chair over to the counter. Making sure to kiss Steve's temple as he always did when he was close enough to do so. And when Steve tilted his head back, Bucky gladly pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

Marking Cookie Monster, Bucky asked, "Milo?"

"Milo," Steve tested. "Here are my sons, Oliver and Milo. Milo. Milo. Milo Barnes."

Chuckling when Steve exaggeratedly furrowed his face in distaste, Bucky held his hands up in surrender as he appeased, "No Milo."

"No Milo," Steve confirmed.

When Oliver came back into the room, Bucky helped him onto the chair and decided, "Hey, squirt, what should we name your brother?"

Giving his husband A Look, Steve focused on his current task. Oliver thoughtfully tapped his finger against the dimple in his chin and excitedly suggested, "Ernie!"

A loud bark of laughter erupted from Steve as he shot that down, "You need to watch more than Sesame Street."

Oliver's brows furrowed and he explained, "But it's my flavor-it."

"I know, bub," Steve assured, leaning over and into his space. Just as he expected, Oliver met him the rest of the distance and the pair rubbed their noses together. Pulling back, Steve kissed her forehead.

Placing the bowl with the dry ingredients in front of Oliver, Steve reached his hand into the bowl to show that he was allowed to mix them with his hands. Sure, the directions said to use a fork, but this way was more fun for the two year old.

Moving the oats around in the brown sugar, Oliver happily worked. Dancing to a song only he could hear, Steve shook his head. Just like his daddy, Steve internally mused. Idly wondering if their other little guy would be like him too. After all, it seemed like the Barnes genes were dominant.

While Steve mixed the assortment of thawed blueberries and raspberries with sugar and orange juice concentrate, music started playing. Looking over his shoulder, he found Bucky getting a jump on the dishes and swinging his hips from side-to-side in time to the upbeat song.

Bucky and Steve instantly started singing along with the well-known lyrics. Even Oliver joined in. It wasn't a surprise since it was one of Bucky's favorite songs and a go-to for whenever he did any sort of cleaning.

"Papa, 'm done," Oliver said, already climbing down from the chair.

"Okay, baby," Steve smiled, grabbing his upper arm so he wouldn't fall. After all, it had taken nearly the entire month for the bruise to fade completely from his little chin. And Steve really didn't feel like making a trip to the hospital anytime soon. Judging by how on edge the rest of the Barnes family had been, they didn't want another trip so soon either.

Watching as the two and a half year old danced around the island until he was standing next to Bucky. The alpha started twisting lower until he was closer to Oliver's height. All the while, still singing. Making the toddler giggle as Bucky placed some bubbles on his little nose.

"You silly, daddy!" Oliver giggled.

Bucky kissed the top of his head and stood up again. Returning to the dishes while Oliver ran into the living room for his play kitchen. Mimicking his father as he pretended to wash his little plastic dishes. Steve's petite frame filled with affection, his own and his husband's. Steve the way it should be.

Once the dishes were done and sitting in the rack to dry, Bucky came up behind Steve. Tenderly placing his hands on Steve's narrow hips, swaying his husband to the beat of the next oldie song. As the crumble bakes, Steve eased into Bucky's frame, loving the way that Bucky's hands moved up to hold his baby bump. Loving the way the little guy wiggled in his womb.

"You really think your dad will like it?" Steve quietly asked, tilting his head back to rest on Bucky's broad shoulder as he gazed up at his husband.

With a small, sincere smile, Bucky rolled his eyes and ducked his head. Nuzzling into Steve's neck, he nosed around the mating bite; scenting him as he assured, "He's gonna love it."

After the heart-healthy berry crumble was cooled, the trio headed over for the Barnes family home. Just as always, Oliver went to play with his cousins, Tibby was feeding Jeremiah at the dining table while the family played UNO, and George snuck away to the kitchen to try what Steve brought. Taking an appreciative bite, George closed his eyes in pure joy, and Steve smiled in relief. Glad that things were back to how they were supposed to be.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now