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Instantly, Steve's eyes snapped open. Having fallen asleep in his nest with Finn on his chest and Oliver curled up to his side. Even Greg was sleeping at his feet. Realizing that he couldn't get up without waking his soundly sleeping pups, Steve relaxed into the sofa and his nest. Figuring that he might as well get comfortable since he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon.


"I've got it," Bucky announced, rushing through the living room to the door.

Dry-eyed from sleeping in his contacts, Steve looked up at the clock. It was going on eight thirty in the morning, and Steve was annoyed that he had overslept. Especially since it was Finn's eighth day of life, and therefore, the day of his brit milah.

With his in-laws entering his house, Steve attempted to move from his spot without waking either the newborn or the toddler. Each woman smiled and waved at Steve as they quietly crossed the room for the kitchen. Steve smiled back at them and managed not to wake Finn. Oliver was even easier as he just rolled over onto his other side so he could cuddle up with one of the nest pillows that smelled like Bucky.

Nana Bella emptied the bag of decorations to get started on decorating while Bubbe Ruth started removing ingredients so she could start on the food. All the while, Winnie headed over to Steve so she could see her newest grandson who was still snoozing away.

"Oh, goodness," Winnie quietly praised the newborn, "Aren't you just the cutest."

"He gets it all from Steve," Bucky proudly stated.

Rolling his eyes, Steve argued, "The only thing he got from me is being a bald baby."

Bucky shrugged as though to silently say, 'agree to disagree.' Instead of arguing, Steve passed Finn over to his grandmother, "Papas gotta change his contacts and take a shower."

"Doll, you don't gotta get ready just yet," Bucky assured, "You can sleep a little more."

"Please," Steve scoffed, marking over Finn's back, "When's the last time either of us has slept in past eight?"

It was a fair point, and Bucky knew it. Before he could try to argue that Steve could get more sleep, Steve stood on his tiptoes to kiss his husband.

Once in the master bathroom, Steve removed his contacts and his hearing aids. Faintly, he could hear Finn crying, and for a moment, he was concerned for his younger son. Feeling that need to care for his offspring. However, he knew that his husband had it handled.

Of course, that didn't change how quickly Steve showered.

Drying and dressing, Steve chose his glasses over his contacts. Figuring to give his eyes a break as he left the bathroom. Fixing his hearing aids in his ear and around the shell of it. Making sure that the volume was right before leaving his bedroom.

Walking down the hallway, Steve could hear the Barnes matriarchs talking and cooing over Finn. Steve couldn't help but smile at the fond memories it conjured from Oliver's early days of life. Only now, there was Oliver showing off for his grandmothers.

Rounding into the living room, Steve found Finn cozy in his hand-me-down swing. Still sleeping away with the scent-marked Cookie Monster lovey. Steve couldn't help but mark over the newborn's chest. Just like with Oliver, Steve wanted to keep both of his little guys as close as possible for as long as possible.

"'Put hand in,'" Oliver started, do as he sang, "'Put hand out. Put hand in, an' shake all 'bout.'"

Winnie danced with him while Bucky poured a mug of coffee. Steve assumed that it was for Bucky, but the thoughtful alpha handed it over to him. Affectionately, Steve smiled up at his mate, feeling the love flow through their bond, warming him from the inside out just like drinking a hot mug of cocoa after playing in the snow.

Standing onto his tiptoes, Steve kissed his husband before taking a drink of the coffee. His favorite brownie flavored coffee, just the way he liked it with just a dash of milk. It was perfect. And as he nuzzled into Bucky's side, he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest son-of-a-bitch there ever was.

Even when Finn started to cry, ready for his morning feeding.

Taking one last drink of his coffee, Steve crossed the kitchen to the swing. Effortlessly picking Finn up out of his swing, "Shh. You're okay."

Unbuttoning his top and pushing his supporter to the side, he helped Finn latch. Caressing his bald head as he gazed fondly down at him. Loving him so much.

"Papa, watch 'toons?" Oliver asked, joining his father and brother in the living room.

"Sure," Steve agreed, reaching for the remote as Oliver climbed into his nest.

Cuddling up to Steve, Oliver asked, "Pooh?"

"Anything you want, bub," Steve allowed, putting the Disney cartoon on. As Finn continued to nurse, Steve lowered his voice to remind, "We gotta be quiet though."

To that, Oliver nodded and held his little finger up to his lips as he giggled, "Quiet."

Surprisingly, Oliver sat there quietly as he watched the episode. Nuzzling further into Steve when he giggled, and occasionally using his underdeveloped scent glands in his wrist to mark over Finn's foot. Steve couldn't help but melt. And considering the overwhelming affection flowing to him, he knew that Bucky felt exactly the same.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now