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"Stevie," Bucky kissed the back of his neck. Sensually scraping his teeth down the shell of Steve's ear, Bucky quietly pleaded, "Wake up."

Drowsily curling in on himself, squeezing the body pillow as he stretched, Steve yawned, "'M tired."

"I know, doll," Bucky kissed down the column of his neck, "But it's Valentine's Day, and I want you to be mine."

"'M already yours," Steve arched his back as he stretched further. Unwittingly grinding his ass against Bucky's erection.

At that, Steve's hormones kicked into gear. His arousal seeped from his pores, filling the room with his sweet, tangy aroma. Mixing perfectly with Bucky's musky, alpha scent. Being compatible, the pair's scents were perfect together, complimenting each other. With them being mates, the combined scents were irresistible to Steve.

When Bucky grabbed Steve's hip and ground against his ass, Steve turned his head into his pillow to muffle his moan. Still kissing along Steve's shoulder, Bucky slipped his hand down his sleep shorts. Immediately going for Steve's wet hole and biting at Steve's covered, slender shoulder as he groaned.

Teasing Steve, Bucky rubbed his index and middle fingers over Steve's rim. Being so wet, Bucky could've easily slipped both fingers in, but he knew that Steve liked a little teasing. Especially if he was just woken up.

"Bucky," Steve breathlessly begged as the alpha eased his fingers inside of Steve's channel.

Gasping, Steve brought his hand up to tangle in Bucky's messy brown hair. Before he could moan, he brought Bucky's face to his, smashing into a kiss that was more teeth than pillowy lips. Neither of them cared though as Bucky stretched Steve open and they swallowed each other's groans.

Once Bucky curled his finger, brushing along Steve's prostate, the omega came. Quick and messy, his clear climax wetted the body pillow's case and his baggy sleep shirt. Of course, that didn't stop Bucky. Always proud of himself for making his husband come more than once, Bucky continued stretching him, preparing him for the next one.

Fucking himself back on Bucky's long fingers, Steve buried his face into his pillow again. Muffling his noises the best that he could. Hoping that their son wouldn't hear them or wake up anytime soon. Knowing that with a toddler, they didn't have much time to themselves, Steve reached back to grab Bucky's hard cock.

While Bucky groaned, muffling the sound with Steve's back, Steve demanded, "Need you." Softly whining, "C'mon, Bucky."

Biting Steve's ear, Bucky asked, "Yeah, you ready?"

Quickly nodding, Steve pushed his ass further into Bucky's pelvis. Softly swearing, Bucky shoved down his own boxer briefs, releasing his hard dick. Easily, Bucky guided his erection to Steve's slick ass. Feeling the blunt head of Bucky's cock, Steve bit his lower lip and pushed back until the tip breached his hole.

Biting his lower lip so harshly that he tasted his coppery blood, Steve held back the moan that wanted to escape as Bucky pushed in even further until he was fully seated inside him. Letting out a ragged breath, Bucky went back to kissing along Steve's shoulder and up his neck and he pulled out almost entirely, just leaving the head inside. Then, he pushed back, deep and fast. Trying to get them both to the finish line before their days officially started.

Briefly sucking Steve's earlobe into his mouth, so he could scrape his teeth over it, Bucky asked, "What do you want for breakfast?"

Heart racing, breathing erratically, Steve gasped, "French toast? I think there's still some berries left over.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now