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"I wear dress?"  Oliver asked as he watched Steve change Finn into his pristine, white cotton newborn gown with the beige detail.

            "Do you want to wear a dress?"  Steve asked, tying the satin kippah below Finn's chin.

            Oliver looked down at himself.  Studying his khakis and his green sweater.  For a moment, he just stood there while Steve made sure that Finn was ready to make his debut.  With Finn being bald, he didn't have to worry about brushing any stubborn tufts into submission. And considering how calm Finn was, Steve was able to easily maneuver him.

            "Can I?"

            Steve lifted Finn off the changing table, and shrugged, "Don't see why not."

            "Yay!" Oliver cheered, running out of Finn's bedroom and almost trampling Natasha to the ground in his haste.

            "Where's the fire, squirt?"  Natasha asked, looking around a plush Cookie Monster that was as big as Oliver.

            "Gettin' dressed," Oliver clarified, making his way to his own bedroom.

            "I assumed he was already dressed," Natasha shrugged. Setting her attention on Steve and more specifically on Finn. A large grin tugging at her lips, making her wide nose scrunch adorably.  Crossing the nursery to them, she held the plush up so Finn could properly see it.

            And then Finn cried.  Completely sobbing.  Clearly not liking the large blue plush.  Not that Steve could blame him, he imagined that he wouldn't necessarily want to see that at only eight days old either.

            "Oh, don't cry," Natasha set the plush down and held her hands up.  "It's gone, I promise.  I'll take it home with me or give it Ollie.  Please don't cry."

            Swaying Finn, Steve assured, "He's a newborn, relax."

            "But how is he going to like me if all he remembers is me scaring him?"

            Steve's brows furrowed as he informed, "He's not going to remember this."

            Nat chewed on the inside of her cheek, "Promise?"

            "Pinky promise."

            Before anything else could be said, a knock came from the open door. Bucky leaned against the doorway, "Ready?"

            Still soothing Finn, Steve said, "In a minute."

            Exaggerating a frown, Bucky crossed the room so he could hold the crying newborn, "What happened?"

            "Nat scared him," Steve explained.

            "Well, that's just Nat for ya, better get used to it, kid," Bucky teased.

            "Oh, bite me," Natasha snarked, playfully rolling her eyes.

            "Hey, no need to be so vulgar, Romanoff," Bucky mocked, "There's little ears around."

            In silent reply, Natasha flipped him off.  Which caused Bucky to laugh and Steve to roll his eyes.  All the while, Oliver walked back into the room wearing a hand-me-down pretend play wedding dress.

            The three adults looked down at the toddler.  Steve pressed his lips together, Bucky bit the inside of his cheek, and Natasha teased, "I'm underdressed."

            Chuckling, Steve decided, "Now that we're all dressed, let's get this show on the road."

            Agreeing, Bucky handed Finn over to Natasha.  Holding his hand out to Steve, Bucky laced their fingers together and led the way out of the nursery.  Picking up Oliver on the way.  Taking their place off to the side of the kitchen island where the circumcision would take place.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now