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"Ever since God commanded Abraham and his sons to be circumcised as a symbol of spiritual connection between man and God, it has been our tradition to do so with all of our sons. We, as the Jewish people, renew this covenant at eight days of life as a sign of their membership in a covenant people."

Crowding around the tablet screen, the Barnes family celebrated Jeremiah's bris. Although it was a little different with Tibby, Silas, Winnie, George, and the family mohel, Dr. Erskine, at the hospital and the rest of the family live streaming the ceremony. And while they all wished they could've been together to celebrate the brit milah, George wasn't allowed to come home just yet, and Tibby knew that she wanted her father there. So, this was the compromise.

Not that Steve minded. Especially since when it came to the actual act, and he could just look away from the screen. Using Oliver as his excuse since he didn't want the toddler to see what was going on and shooed him towards the living room. Even if the toddler just came right back. Following his cousins who were dancing while Dr. Erskine recited a Hebrew blessing.

Proudly holding up the newborn, Dr. Erskine introduced, "Yirmiyahu ben Saul v'Yaala."

Everyone on their side erupted into loud cheers and the kids popped the confetti poppers. Becca even handed out those damn celebratory party horns, which the kids continued blowing even after the adults had settled. When Oliver covered his ears because of the noise, Steve lifted him into his arms and marked the toddler's back while he scented Steve. Kissing Oliver's messy, wavy hair, he couldn't help but wish that they were all celebrating in the same place, together.

The next bris, Steve assured himself, rubbing his hand over his bump. Of course, there was still some time before that happened.

"So, when ya comin' home?" Becca asked when the camera was pointed at George.

"If all things go according to plan, tomorrow," George answered, settling Jeremiah in his arms.

"Well, let's hope everything goes according to plan," Dum Dum commented, letting Lucy twirl around while holding onto his finger.

From beside George, Tibby enthusiastically held her hands up to show her crossed fingers. Which prompted the rest of the Barnes siblings to do the same. Clearly touched by his children impatiently awaiting his homecoming, George's eyes got glassy with unshed tears.

"Besides, I gotta make sure I meet Mandy's new girlfriend," George replied with a toothy grin.

"New girlfriend?!" The adults in the Barnes family kitchen turned to look at the beta woman with the blond highlights.

"You have a girlfriend?" Tibby asked from the hospital.

"Were you even going to tell us?" Becca asked, crossing her arms while her brows furrowed.

"Oops," George meekly replied before excusing himself, "I should take a nap. Love you!"

After the screen cut out, the siblings and in-laws bickered. Steve set Oliver down and let him run off with the rest of the kids. Not understanding why it was such a big deal for Mandy to have a girlfriend. Of course, Steve hadn't been in the family very long and had missed the whole Divorce Saga, but he was happy for her. She deserved to be happy. So, if this woman made her happy and treated her well, Steve was happy for her.

Feeling Bucky's own happiness through the bond, Steve was amused when Bucky curiously asked, "So, what's she like?"

Becca stopped talking. Her mouth hanging open for a moment before she came back to herself, "That's it? No protective big brother spiel?"

Scoffing, Bucky reminded, "That was always your spiel. Remember? Since you're the oldest?"

Playfully, Becca narrowed her eyes at Bucky. Then, she returned her attention to Mandy as she accused, "You weren't going to tell us, but you told dad?!"

"I thought dad was dying," Mandy defended herself, really enunciating her stance.

A brief stab of pain struck Steve, but thankfully just momentarily. Not that that stopped him from glancing over at Bucky. Just to make sure that his mate was alright. When both the bond and his demeanor seemed to match, Steve relaxed. Choosing to focus on his own pain instead. More specifically, his swollen ankles and sore back.

"Doll," Bucky started, coming up behind him so he could rub at the tension in Steve's slender shoulders, "How about you go relax and I'll bring you some food."

"Man, this husband thing is a pretty sweet deal," Steve teased, exchanging a sweet kiss with Bucky before he waddled out of the kitchen. Vaguely hearing Mandy talk about her new alpha girlfriend as he joined the kids in the living room as they watched some animated superhero show.

Cautiously lowering himself down on the sofa, he propped his feet up on the ottoman, trying to get as comfortable as he could with a baby stretching into his ribs. Blaming Bucky's genes for the length of their children. Especially their long legs.

Shifting and stretching himself, he realized that he wasn't ever going to be comfortable again. Not until he was born. Of course, then Oliver curled up beside him and Steve figured that he'd never get comfortable until both kids were adults.

Carrying two plates over to them, Bucky took a seat on Oliver's other side. As he handed Steve's plate to him, Oliver immediately reached over to take some grapes. Playfully, Steve narrowed his eyes at his son and retaliated by handing the toddler the other half of his turkey bacon, egg, and avocado bagel sandwich.

Surrounded by their family, Bucky shared his food with Steve and they both shared their food with Oliver. Even shared with Lucy, Gracie, and their other nieces when they wandered over to them. Not that either of them minded much. It was all Steve had wanted growing up, and he was glad that his sons would only know this life. Only know a big, loving family.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now