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As good as things had been going, Steve should've realized that something bad was bound to happen.

Two days after Steve, Bucky, and Oliver decorated Sarah's hand-me-down tree, the family went to the Barnes family house just like every other Sunday. The Barneses entertaining some Christmas Eve fun with decorating some gingerbread houses. However, before they could even get into the house, Oliver slipped on a patch of ice on the walk and hit his chin on the ground.

Immediately, Oliver started sobbing. Bucky being the good alpha he was, made sure that Steve was past the ice and lifted the toddler into his arms. Trying to soothe the two year old as he wailed. Causing the other adults to abandon their jokes and sentences as they came to see what the matter was.

Thankfully, a green popsicle was able to calm Oliver down enough for him to actually start having fun with his cousins. Having a ball making a mess with the icing and sprinkles, and following Sadie's lead by eating some of the candy instead of decorating with it. Even with a bruise starting to take place on his chin and cause his lower lip to swell, the two and a half year old was back to his normal, upbeat self.


Steve vaguely heard Winnie ask from the kitchen. Not thinking much of it. That was, however, until the loud thud and the crashing of porcelain on the tile floor. The worst of it though was Winnie yelling, "CALL 9-1-1!"

"Mom?" Bucky asked as he cautiously entered the kitchen while Mandy was racing out of the dining room with her phone to her ear as she talked with the emergency operator.

Feeling Bucky's fear wash over him like a tsunami, Steve glanced into the kitchen. Finding George lying unresponsive on the kitchen floor while Bucky used both hands to compress on his father's chest and instructed Winnie to breathe her breath into her husband's lungs.

With so much raw emotion ebbing through the bond to him, Steve's own fear bubbled to the surface. Thinking of the kids though, Steve redirected his attention to the table of frightened and confused children. Deciding that he needed to get them out of there before they were too scarred, he clapped his hands and feigning cheerfulness, suggested, "Let's watch a movie upstairs! How about Rudolph? That's a good one!"

"Yes!" Becca pointed victoriously at Steve as she gestured for the kids to leave the table. Racing in front of them, so she could open the front door in hopes of it blocking out the area of the kitchen where their grandfather was.

Dum Dum herded them through the living room and up the staircase. Noticing that Tibby was just standing there, shocked, Steve gently checked in with her, "You okay?"

Setting her gaze on Steve, she blinked, and a tear silently escaped her eyes. Steve stepped closer to comfort his pregnant sister-in-law. Rubbing her back, he tried to neutralize his scent so he could calm her with his, but he couldn't. Not with Bucky's fear being so big and all encompassing.

Stepping in closer, Steve stepped in something wet. Soaking through his sock, he looked over at the table, assuming that a cup had been knocked over. When there wasn't anything, he looked around his and Tibby's large abdomens, to see that Tibby was the source of the leak.

Wide-eyed, Steve looked up at the younger woman. His mind not being able to wrap around what was going on. First, Oliver smashed his face on some ice. Then, George was unconscious on the kitchen floor. Now, Tibby was in labor. What next?

Quickly, without even thinking about it, Steve rushed over to the stairs and called up for his brother-in-law, "Silas! Tibby needs you down here!"

Peeking around the wall, down the staircase at Steve, the man's usually rich-black complexion paled. Blanching even more with the prospect of something being wrong with his mate, he raced down the staircase. As Steve watched, he was sure that his own white skin blanched even more.

Trying not to collide with any of the kids going the opposite direction of him, he accidentally missed a step and slid down the rest of the staircase. As he tried to stop himself, he grabbed onto the railing. In the end, it didn't help at all as his body went one way and his wrist went another, and he collided with the coat closet across from the staircase, causing his ankle to crunch under the force.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Becca exclaimed as she closed the door to help her brother-in-law. When she found that Silas couldn't put any pressure on his – more than likely – broken foot, she wrapped his arm over her shoulders.

It was at that moment when Tibby made her grand appearance. Hunched over, Tibby grasped at her abdomen and grunted her discomfort. Becca's eyes landed on her youngest sister and her jaw dropped, "Are you...?"

Breathlessly, Tibby rhetorically asked, "What do you think?"

"Today sure is a day to be a Barnes, huh?" Becca shook her head, helping Silas out of the house. Over her shoulder, she instructed Steve, "Help Tibby outside, yeah? I'll drive them to the hospital, then make sure they're settled."

Nodding, Steve got to it. Glad to have something to do instead of feeling Bucky's pure, authentic fear coursing in his veins. A fear that Steve knew intimately, and he tried to bury deep within himself after Sarah passed. He didn't want anyone to know what that felt like, but he especially didn't want someone as kind and loving as his husband to feel it.

With his arm wrapped around Tibby's waist, Steve helped the woman down the porch steps and over to her and Silas's car. Avoiding any patches of ice, he managed to get her there without either of them slipping. As Becca helped Silas into the back passenger seat on the driver's side, Steve helped Tibby into the passenger seat.

"I'll let you know when we get there," Becca assured, straightening up as she opened the driver side door.

"Be safe," Steve said, stepping back from the car. Standing there for a moment as he watched the car drive down the street for the hospital.

Once they were out of sight, Steve turned and walked as fast as he could back into the house. Slipping on a patch of ice and narrowly falling but managing to reach out and grab the porch steps railing. Of course, that didn't stop his heart from racing, nor did it stop his breath from coming erratically.

Crossing the porch, the sirens caught Steve's attention. Turning, he saw the ambulance pulling up to the house. Quickly, Steve stayed out of the way and held the door open for the emergency medical technicians as they quickly and efficiently carried the gurney into the house.

Making sure that he was out of the way, Steve closed the door and stood over by the coat closet. Watching as the EMTs lifted George onto the gurney. Covering his nose and mouth with a clear mask connected to a bag that they manually pumped air into his lungs as they wheeled him out of the house. Winnie was quick to follow and join in the back of the ambulance.

Sniffling and wiping her tears, Mandy rounded the corner to enter the half bath. Steve took that time to cross the area between them and make sure that he was there for his husband. Not just wanting to comfort him, but needing to.

Standing in front of Bucky, Steve tilted his chin up, so he could look at him. His alpha's eyes were glassy with unshed tears and his lower lip quivered. With his brow in a deep furrow, he just looked lost. Steve brought Bucky in. Guiding his nose to his glands, so he could scent.

Instantly, Bucky buried his face into the crook of Steve's neck and his arms wrapped tightly around his torso. Not being able to hold each other nearly as close as they wanted to due to their unborn son between them, but Steve did what he could. Stroking the back of Bucky's neck. Marking down his spine. Letting the larger, muscular man weep into his slender shoulder as the fear made him shake like a leaf in the wind. Steve just held him closer, kissing anywhere he could and softly assuring him, "It's gonna be okay. It'll be okay."

Even though Steve couldn't guarantee, and he shouldn't promise, he kept repeating, "It's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay."

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now